AVS 49th International Symposium Schedule

Program Schedule

  • The Schedule Overview page presents tabs with different views of the program schedule.
  • The Time Periods tab is a graphical overview of the technical program. Time periods are shown on a calendar display, with each time period showing the start and end times, number of sessions and number of papers.
  • Clicking the Time Period Code link on one of the schedule blocks takes you to a page listing the sessions during that time period. Each session has a link to display the papers in that session.
  • Clicking the Timeline link on one of the schedule blocks takes you to a page with a row for each session and columns for each presentation time. All papers are listed on the timeline. Hovering over a paper pops up a block with the full paper details. Clicking a session link in the first column takes you to that session's paper listing.
  • The Topics tab lists each topic in the program. Clicking a topic link takes you to that topic's Session page, listing all the sessions in the topic. Clicking a session link takes you to the same session's paper listing page described above.
  • The Special Events and Meetings tab shows two views of the events and meetings. There is a tab for a graphical calendar view, and a tab for a chronological list. Hovering over a calendar item pops up a more complete description, particularly useful if you're using the Weekly calendar view where the events may be quite crowded.
  • The Search Abstracts tab lets you search for any abstracts being presented in that meeting. You can search by any combination of abstract title or text, and author name or affiliation. Search results are returned on the same page so you can adjust search criteria if desired. The text meeting your search criteria is highlighted to help see exactly what was found.
  • The Mobile App tab has instructions if there is a mobile app available for that particular meeting.
  • You can see the complete program details without logging onto the website. No program schedule features require logon.

System Requirements

  • This site requires a modern, javaScript-enabled browser. While this is the default for all current browsers, javaScript can be disabled. If the abstract title or text editor fails to work, your browser may have javaScript disabled.


Click a Heading link to see the Time Period's Sessions or a Timeline link for the papers.
Time Sun Nov 3 Mon Nov 4 Tue Nov 5 Wed Nov 6 Thu Nov 7 Fri Nov 8
8:20 AM 8:20 AM - 12:00 PM
12 sessions
103 papers
8:20 AM - 12:00 PM
16 sessions
136 papers
8:20 AM - 11:00 AM
13 sessions
82 papers
8:20 AM - 12:00 PM
13 sessions
112 papers
8:20 AM - 12:00 PM
6 sessions
56 papers
9:20 AM
10:20 AM
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
9 sessions
151 papers
11:20 AM
12:20 PM
1:20 PM
2:00 PM - 5:20 PM
14 sessions
107 papers
2:00 PM - 5:20 PM
17 sessions
126 papers
2:00 PM - 5:20 PM
13 sessions
99 papers
2:00 PM - 5:20 PM
12 sessions
95 papers
2:20 PM
3:00 PM - 6:40 PM
1 session
3 papers
3:20 PM
4:20 PM
5:20 PM 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
11 sessions
168 papers
6:20 PM
7:20 PM
Click a topic code to see that topic's Sessions.
Topic Code Topic Title
AS Applied Surface Science
AT Advancing Toward Sustainability Topical Conference
BI Biomaterials
BP Biomaterials Plenary Session
DI Dielectrics
EC Electrochemistry and Fluid-Solid Interfaces
EL Electronic Materials and Devices
HS Homeland Security
MB Molecular and Bio-Magnetism
MI Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures
MM Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
MS Manufacturing Science and Technology
NS Nanometer Structures
NT Nanotubes: Science and Applications Topical Conference
OF Organic Films and Devices
PH Photonic Materials Topical Conference
PN Processing at the Nanoscale
PS Plasma Science
SE Surface Engineering
SS Surface Science
TF Thin Films
VT Vacuum Technology