PacSurf2022 Session EH-WeP: Energy Harvesting and Storage Poster Session
Session Abstract Book
(313 KB, Oct 14, 2022)
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EH-WeP-1 Spintronic Diode as a Signal Detector and RF Energy Harvester
Andrei Slavin (Oakland University) The spin-torque magnetic diode (STMD) effect [1] is a quadratic rectification effect of the input microwave current IRF(t) in a magneto-resistive nano-junction, which is commonly observed in a traditional regime of operation of an STMD, when the magnetization of the “free” layer lies in-plane, and when the frequency fsof the current IRF(t) is close to the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) frequency f0 of the junction. It was demonstrated theoretically in [2] that in an STMD, biased by an out-of-plane static magnetic field, a novel dynamical regime of STMD operation characterized by large-angle out-of-plane magnetization precession can be realized. It was demonstrated experimentally in [3] that the out-of-plane magnetization precession regime in an STMD predicted in [2] can be realized without any bias magnetic field, if an STMD “free” layerhas a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy.It was further shown in [3] that the developed bias-free STMD provides sufficient dc voltage to power a practical nanodevice − a black phosphorus photosensor. Here we present an analytical and numerical theory explaining the performance of such a bias-free STMD with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy [4].We show that such a device can operate as a broadband energy harvester capable of converting incident RF power into a DC power with a conversion efficiency of ∼5%. References [1] A. Tulapurkar, Y. Suzuki, A. Fukushima et al., Nature., Vol.438, p.339 (2005). [2] V. Prokopenko, I. N. Krivorotov, E. Bankowski et al., J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 111, p.123904 (2012). [3] B. Fang, M. Carpentieri, S. Louis et al., Phys. Rev. Appl., Vol. 11, p.014022 (2019). [4] P. Yu. Artemchuk, O. V. Prokopenko, E. N. Bankowski et al., AIP Advances., Vol. 11, p. 025234 (2021). View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
EH-WeP-3 A Novel Doping Strategy of PTAA for High-Performance Inverted Perovskite Solar Cell
Jihyeon Heo, Hansol Park, Hui Joon Park (Hanyang University, Korea) Organic-inorganic hybrid halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have achieved great developments with their high-power conversion efficiency (PCE) surpassing 25.8%. Among various research to maximize the performance of PSCs, a modification of charge transport materials plays an important role to attain such a high-performance of PSC. Particularly, doping engineering can enhance the charge extraction/transport capability of the charge transport layer. Although organic hole transport materials (HTM) including small molecules such as 2,2′,7,7′-tetrakis(N,N-di-p-methoxyphenylamine)-9,9′-spirobifluorene (spiro-OMeTAD) and conducting polymers such as poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) and Poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2, 4, 6-trimethylphenyl)amine] (PTAA) are advantageous with high-quality thin films by a simple solution process, an additional doping process is necessary due to their inherent low hole mobility. Therefore, a search for suitable p-type dopants and their fabrication methods for organic HTM should be further studied. In this work, we propose a simple interfacial doping (ID) strategy of PTAA/F4-TCNQ double layer structure with the application of a new solvent 2-butanone. Through this approach, the optoelectrical performance with high power conversion efficiency of 20.67% (p-i-n structure) is achieved and the reproducibility of PTAA-based PSCs is improved with significantly reduced process time compared to the existing solution blend doping (SBD) method. To compare the SBD and ID strategies, both doping methods are analyzed from an electrochemical and morphological viewpoint. As a result, it is confirmed that the ID method improves the thin film properties of PTAA, and the maximized dispersion of F4-TCNQ by 2-butanone achieves effective doping of PTAA, enabling the realization of high-performance PSCs. |
EH-WeP-4 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Minimizing Analysis Errors, Illustrated with EXAFS, Nanoindentation, and Core Level Photoemission
Jeff Terry (Illinois Institute of Technology) We have developed artificial intelligence based methodology that can be utilized to reliably analyze experimental results from Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) measurements. This development will help to address the reproducibility problems that slow research progress and inhibit effective tech transfer and manufacturing innovation in these scientific disciplines. A machine learning approach was applied to the analysis of extended X- ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy measurements collected using a synchrotron radiation facility. Specifically, a genetic algorithm was developed for fitting of the measured spectra to extract the relevant structural parameters. The current approach relies on a human analyst to suggest a potential set of chemical compounds in the form of feff.inp input files that may be present. The algorithm then attempts to determine the best structural paths from these compounds that are present in the experimental measurement. The automated analysis looks for the primary EXAFS path contributors from the potential compounds. It calculates a goodness of fit value that can be used to identify the chemical moieties present. The analysis package is called EXAFS Neo and is open source written in Python. It requires the use of Larch and Feff for calculating the initial EXAFS paths. We have recently extended the code to make use of Feff8.5lite so it can calculate the paths needed for populating the analysis from within the EXAFS Neo package. We have expanded the use of the base genetic algorithm software to fitting of Nanoindentation, X-ray astronomy data, and to the analysis of core level photoemission. The publication describing the analysis package and where to obtain the software can be downloaded at: or by contacting the speaker. |
EH-WeP-5 In Situ Cryo-Xps Analysis of Intercalation Mechanism in Aqueous Zn-MnO2 Batteries
Bhuvana M. Sivakumar, Hee Jung Chang, Kie Hankins, Matthew Fayette, V. Shutthanandan, Vijay Murugesan, Daiwon Choi, Xiaolin Li, David Reed (Pacific Northwest National Lab) Aqueous Zinc ion batteries (ZIB) based on Zn2+ intercalation chemistry is gaining attention as large scale energy storage system due to zinc’s high capacity (820 mA h g−1), high abundance and stability along with lower material costs.However, a comprehensive understanding of the principles governing Zn-MnO2 electrochemistry has not yet been achieved. In particular, the identity of intercalating cationic species (i.e. Zn2+ and/or H+) and subsequent redox evolution in MnO2 cathode material is still not clear. Towards understanding the electrochemical changes in the MnO2 cathode (such as oxidation changes at metal centers) during the battery cycling process, we employed in situ cryogenic x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (cryo-XPS) technique. Our unique in situ coin cell setup coupled with cryo-XPS characterization uniquely reveals the chemical identity and distribution of active participants in MnO2 cathode under various charge and discharge conditions without the need for disruptive sample preparations such as solvent washing or Ar sputtering.By preserving the interface, we observed the broadening of Zn 2p core spectra indicating the evolution of Zn-O and Zn-SO4 bonding environment during long term cycling process (up to 200 cycles).Similarly, the Mn 2p core spectra reveal the emergence of Mn3+ from parent Mn4+ indicating the Zn intercalation induced redox reactions within cathode material.These new molecular-level insights about the intercalation mechanism and subsequent redox state changes will be discussed based on electronic states evolutions within MnO2 cathodes. |
EH-WeP-6 High-Generating Electrical Power of Chemo-Mechanical Energy Harvesters from Carbon Nanotube Yarn Twist
Seongjae Oh (Department of Energy Science Sungkyunkwan University); Shi Hyeong Kim (Department of Advanced Textile R&D Korea Institute of Industrial Technology) The ocean covers 70% of the Earth, and monitoring the ocean conditions (wave height, wave frequency, temperature, pH, etc.) that play an important role in modern life is emerging as an important technology. In the ocean, it is difficult to use secondary batteries or supercapacitors because the ocean has infinitely wide space and fluidity, so research on energy harvesting for self-powered is required. In this regard, research on chemo-mechanical harvesters that converts mechanical energy in the ocean into electrical energy has been recently conducted, and expectations for the possibility of using an actual self-powered system are growing. Among chemical mechanical harvesters, a carbon nanotube (CNT) based chemo-mechanical harvester was reported in 2017[1]. The chemo-mechanical harvester showed remarkable harvesting performance of frequency normalized peak power or highest peak power between a few Hz and 600 Hz compared to other types. This harvester used a coiled CNT yarn made by highly twisting a CNT yarn. As stretching the coiled CNT yarn, the density of the coiled CNT yarn increases. When the density of the coiled CNT yarn increases, it is to escape the ions of the electrochemical double layer formed on the surface of the CNT inside the coiled CNT yarn, just like water comes out when a wet towel is pulled out. In this way, the mechanical contraction is converted into electrical energy. In this work, to improve the performance of this harvester, we propose a novel internal structure that can facilitate ion access inside the coiled CNT yarn and maximize the density change when the coiled CNT yarn is stretched[2]. The coiled CNT yarn with a novel internal structure has four times the peark power and more than twice the efficiency compared to the performance reported in 2017[1]. This structure opened up the possibility to further improve the performance of the harvester and it was analyzed by molecular dynamics modeling. Our results are expected to contribute to the implementation of self-powered IoT systems in the ocean. Ref. [1] S. H. Kim et. al, "“Harvesting electrical energy from carbon nanotube yarn twist” Science 357, 773-778 (2017) [2] S. Oh et. al, "Chemo-mechanical energy harvesters with enhanced intrinsic electrochemical capacitance in carbon nanotube yarns” Advanced science accepted (2022) |
EH-WeP-7 TOF-SIMS Analysis for Power Semiconductors
Jaeyeong Lee, Yeonsu Jeong, Heehoon Moon, Jong Sung Jin (Korea Basic Science Institute) Power semiconductors convert, control, and distribute power in electronic devices, which increases battery life and reduces power usage, which is very important for improving the efficiency of energy harvesting devices. Power semiconductors are being applied in various energy harvesting fields such as batteries for electric vehicles and solar power generation, and the demand is increasing due to the rapid growth of mobile devices such as smartphones. Among them, power semiconductors using Silicon Carbide (SiC) are attracting attention due to their small size and stability against high temperature and high voltage, but they are experiencing difficulties in developing more diverse devices due to the advanced technology required for production. In this study, we have conducted analysis for Power semiconductor using Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). Using TOF-SIMS, it is possible to check the behavior of component ions by depth of the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) device through depth profile analysis as well as the distribution of ion components on the surface of the device. By comparing the TOF-SIMS data of a device that failed due to exposure to harsh environments such as high temperature and high humidity with that of a normal device, it was possible to check where the change occurred in the case of a failure and the change in components. In Figure 1, the failed device was analyzed using TOF-SIMS. Ti+ and Al+ were mainly detected at the interface of the junction, and Si+ ions, an insulating film component, were observed at the interface of the gate pad. In addition, a lot of Si- and P- ions were detected at the defective site. The distribution of Si+ in the underlying layer of Al+ ions indicates that the wire bonding lift occurred at the junction of the Al metal and the underlying Si layer. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |