ICMCTF 2024 FrM Sessions , Friday, May 24, 2024 8:00 AM

Friday Morning

Abstract Timeline | Time Periods | Topics | Schedule Overview

Click a Session Code to view its Abstracts
Session Code Topic Session Name
CM3-2-FrM CM Accelerated Thin Film Development: High-throughput Synthesis, Automated Characterization, and Data Analysis II
IA2-3-FrM IA Surface Modification of Components in Automotive, Aerospace and Manufacturing Applications III
MD3-FrM MD Bioactive Surfaces
PP5-FrM PP Plasma Surface Interactions and Diagnostics
PP7-FrM PP Modeling and Data-Driven Methods for Process Design, Analysis and Control
TS3-FrM TS Solar Thermal Conversion
Abstract Timeline | Time Periods | Topics | Schedule Overview