ICMCTF2015 Session E2-2: Mechanical Properties and Adhesion

Monday, April 20, 2015 1:30 PM in Room Royal Palm 4-6
Monday Afternoon

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Start Invited? Item
1:30 PM E2-2-1 Electrical Resistance Response of Environmental Barrier Coated, Melt Infiltrated SiC/SiC CMCs Subjected to Tensile Loading Under High Heat-flux Thermal Gradient Conditions
Matthew P. Appleby, Dongming Zhu (NASA Glenn Research Center, USA)

Environmental barrier coating (EBC) coated ceramic matrix composite (CMC) systems are currently being investigated for use as turbine engine hot-section components in extreme environments. It therefore becomes critical to understand their response to environmental exposure and performance under thermo-mechanical loading conditions. Electrical resistance (ER) monitoring has recently been correlated to tensile damage accumulation in SiCf/SiC CMCs, and the focus of this study is to extend the use of ER to evaluate high-temperature, thermal gradient fracture of EBC/CMC systems. Tensile strength tests were performed at high temperature (1200° C) using a laser-based heat flux technique. Specimens included as-produced SiCf/SiC CMCs and coated SiCf/SiC substrates that had been exposed to simulated combustion environments in a high-pressure burner rig. Localized stress-dependent damage was determined using acoustic emission (AE) monitoring and compared to full-field strain mapping using a high-temperature digital image correlation (DIC) technique. The results of which are compared with in-situ ER monitoring, and post-test inspection of the samples in order to correlate ER response to damage evolution.

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1:50 PM E2-2-2 Room Temperature Viscoplasticity of Nanocrystalline Nickel Thin Films
Gaurav Mohanty, Juri Wehrs (EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology), Switzerland); Brad Boyce (Sandia National Laboratories, USA); Madoka Hasegawa, Laetitia Philippe, Johann Michler (EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology), Switzerland)
Room temperature creep and stress relaxation occurs in all metals, but its contribution is typically negligible, especially below the yield strength. However, nanocrystalline metals are particularly susceptible to this time-dependent plasticity. While creep and stress relaxation are most commonly measured with tensile specimens, micropillar compression offers a small-scale uniaxial technique that is particularly amenable to thin films. In this study, we employ a stable, displacement-controlled in-situ SEM indenter and unusually large micropillars to precisely measure stress relaxation in electroplated nanocrystalline Ni thin films. The observed stress relaxation is significant: even well below the yield strength, under constant displacement the stresses relax by ~5% within 5 minutes; in the work hardening regime, stress relaxes by ~10% in 1 minute. A logarithmic fit of the relaxation curves is consistent with an Arrhenius thermal activation of plasticity and suggests an activation volume in the vicinity of ~10 b3. Repeated relaxation cycles permit the estimation of the rate of exhaustion of the mobile dislocation content. Finally, these measurements are compared to similar measurements performed on free-standing thin film tensile coupons. Both methods yield similar results, thereby validating the applicability of pillar compression to capture time-dependent plasticity.
2:10 PM Invited E2-2-3 Orientation Dependent Mechanical Properties Of Metal-ceramic Nanolaminates
Jon Molina-Aldareguia, Yang Lingwei (IMDEA Materials Institute, Spain); Carl Mayer, Nikhilesh Chawla (Arizona State University, USA)

Nanoscale multilayers, made up of alternating layers of two materials with layer thickness in the nm range, have been the subject of an increasing number of studies in the past 10 years due to their exceptional high strength at room temperature. Their unique properties are mainly a result of the high density of interfaces, which change the standard mechanisms of plastic deformation and fracture, when the layer thickness is below ~100 nm. However, little is known about their anisotropic mechanical behavior due to the lack of appropriate testing techniques adequate for thin films up to date. With the development of novel nanomechanical testing techniques, like micropillar compression, it is not feasible to test the mechanical response of nanolaminated thin-films under uniaxial testing as a function of the orientation between the loading axis and the layers. In this talk, we will show the very different mechanical response displayed by Al/SiC multilayers, when compression is applied parallel, perpendicular and at 45º with respect to the layer direction, at temperatures between RT and 150ºC. The results reveal that the flow stress of the Al layers, which is layer thickness dependent, and the interface strength play a major role on the overall strength of the nanolaminate, when compression is applied perpendicular to the layers. However, the development of significant compressive stresses parallel to the layers triggers the formation of shear bands. The role of layer waviness on the shear band formation will be discussed.

2:50 PM E2-2-5 Time and Temperature Dependence of Viscoelastic Stress Relaxation in Al and Al Alloy Thin Films
An-Wen Huang (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan); Richard Vinci, Walter Brown (Lehigh University, USA); Cheng-Hua Lu, Chou-Cheng Wu, Ming-Tzer Lin (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)

Metal thin films are using as capacitance switches in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Problems with long-term reliability, however, set limits on the lifetimes of MEMS capacitance switch applications. The better the thin films can resist relaxation, the longer the lifetime of the MEMS device. Al thin films have been used as capacitance switches, but they have only a weak resistance to relaxation and therefore a shorter lifetime. Solid strengthening can improve the mechanism of the material without decreasing other mechanisms. We added Mg to Al thin films in order to increase the stress relaxation resistance. The viscoelastic behavior of pure aluminum thin film in comparison with thin films of 12.63 % Mg and 16.30 % Mg are investigated by using bulge testing. Adding Mg in pure Al thin films significantly decrease the relaxation behavior and increase the mechanism of thin film. The result shows the more Mg content in Al thin films the more resistance of thin films. The results of experiments show the normalize modulus decreasing less with a greater content of Mg. This result proves that adding more different atoms can obstruct the movement of dislocation and enhance the mechanism of Al thin films. It shows that Al-Mg thin films have better relaxation resistance than Al thin films and thus serve as a better material for capacitance switches.

3:10 PM E2-2-6 Determination of Intrinsic Stresses in Coatings by Multi-axial Indentation
Marcus Fuchs (Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics, Germany); Hagen Grüttner, Maren Nieher, Steffen Weißmantel (University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Germany); Norbert Schwarzer (Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics, Germany)

It is impossible to determine the intrinsic stresses of a coated/uncoated surface by normal indentation measurements without a reference sample having known intrinsic stresses, because such experiments do not provide enough linear independent information to calculate several unknowns. Therefore, multi-axial indentation measurements, namely a lateral-force indentation which registers load and displacement in normal and tangential direction to the sample surface, in combination with a physical analysis of these experiments (lateral-force indentation analysis) [1] taking the layered structure into account [2] will be used to determine the intrinsic stresses in the coatings (regardless of their origin like thermally or mechanically induced) in terms of biaxial normal stresses. In this work, the experimental and the analysis procedure of this combined method will not only be introduced, but also demonstrated taking two samples of ta-C coatings on Si with different stress states.

The superhard tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) films with low internal stress were prepared by a combination of pulsed laser deposition [3] and pulsed laser annealing [4] on silicon (100) substrates. The 500 nm thick ta-C films were found to have up to 85% sp3 bonds and a hardness of up to 83 GPa.

By means of the laser pulse annealing (tempering), developed at the laser institute of the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, it is feasible to set the intrinsic stress of the resulting layers to a defined value or even zero. The intrinsic stress results of the ta-C films of both samples determined by lateral-force indentation analysis have been verified by comparison with results derived from substrate bending using Stoney’s formula. Finally, a critical discussion of both methods for determination of intrinsic stress will be part of this work.

[1] N. Schwarzer, J. Mater. Res., vol. 24, no. 03, pp. 1032–1036, 2009.

[2] N. Schwarzer, J. Tribol., vol. 122, no. 4, pp. 672–681, 2000.

[3] G. Reiße et al., patent DE10319205 A1, 11-Nov-2004.

[4] G. Reiße et al., patent DE10319206 B4, 14-Aug-2013.

3:30 PM E2-2-7 Microstructure-scale Measurements and Simulations of Surface Deformation in Columnar Tantalum Multicrystals
Corbett Battaile, Hojun Lim, Jay Carroll (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)

Most engineering materials have complex microstructures that can affect their properties in various ways. Metals are usually polycrystalline, and their inherently heterogeneous crystallographic nature can produce strong variations in deformation behavior at the grain (i.e. micron) scale. In small components, or when deformations are localized by defects or intentional geometry (e.g. holes or fillets), the details of grain-scale deformation can dictate the material's performance. In this work, we used micron-scale digital image correlation (μDIC), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and finite element analysis to measure and predict, respectively, the evolution of surface strains and crystallographic orientations during the tensile deformation of columnar tantalum multicrystals containing only a few grains in the gauge section. These measurements are compared to crystal plasticity finite element simulations of the subgrain surface strain fields, and the predictions provide an accurate estimate of the location of failure initiation. We will outline the μDIC, EBSD, and crystal plasticity finite element methods; describe the procedure by which large-grained tantalum multicrystals were fabricated; and discuss the validation of the simulations' predictions against the experimental data.

3:50 PM E2-2-8 Measurement of Fracture Toughness in Thin Films by the Indentation Pillar Splitting Tests: Developments and Limitations
Marco Sebastiani ("Roma TRE" University, Italy)

The analysis of deformation and failure mechanisms in small-scale devices and thin films is a critical issue, not yet solved.

In this presentation, we describe the recently proposed indentation pillar splitting test for the analysis of toughness in a series of thin film materials.

Cohesive finite element simulations are used for analysis and development of a simple relationship between the critical load at failure, pillar radius, and fracture toughness for a given material. A series of additional simulations were performed in order to investigate the effect of the ratio between the elastic modulus and the yield strength on the critical load for pillar splitting. An explanation for the load instability during pillar’s indentation and the correlation with indentation cracking on homogeneous materials are then given.

Micro-pillars are then produced by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) ring milling, being the pillar diameter approximately equal to its length; this ensures full relaxation of pre-existing residual stress in the upper portion of the specimen. Nanoindentation splitting tests are performed in-situ and the deformation mechanisms corresponding to each class of materials have been investigated.

Obtained results on ceramics compare well with the independent measurements obtained by other techniques on the same samples.

The limitations of the method are finally discussed. In particular, a minimum pillar’s diameter for the nucleation and growth of a crack during indentation is identified and quantified for a wide range of materials properties. The end result is that testing of a metallic or polymeric material would require loads and pillar diameters that are ~5 orders of magnitude greater than for ceramic materials. Finally, the influence of substrate’s stiffness of splitting load is described, and proper corrections are proposed.

4:10 PM Invited E2-2-9 Interfacial Structure Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Layered Nanocomposites
Nathan Mara, John Carpenter, William Mook, Shijian Zheng (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA); Thomas Nizolek (University of California Santa Barbara, USA); Siddhartha Pathak (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA); Surya Kalidindi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Jian Wang (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA); Tresa Pollock (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA); Irene Beyerlein (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)

In this presentation, we report on the plastic deformation mechanisms in lamellar nanocomposites processed via Severe Plastic Deformation as a function of decreasing layer thickness. We process bulk Cu-Nb nanolamellar composites from 1 mm thick polycrystalline sheet down to layer thicknesses of 10 nm using Accumulative Roll Bonding. This technique has the advantage of producing bulk quantities of nanocomposite material, and can result in rolling textures, interfacial defect structures, and deformation mechanisms very different from those seen in nanolamellar composites grown via Physical Vapor Deposition methods. Mechanical behavior as evaluated via micropillar compression, nanoindentation, and bulk tension/compression will be discussed in terms of the effects of interfacial structure and content on deformation processes at diminishing length scales, and defect/interface interactions at the atomic scale. This class of materials has also been shown to exhibit radiation damage tolerance under ion irradiation at elevated temperatures. Radiation damage tolerance of nanomaterial containing different types of interfaces (twin, grain boundaries, and heterophase interfaces) will be presented, as well as a novel spherical nanoindentation test technique for quantifying the effects of ion irradiation on the stress-strain response of metallic materials.

4:50 PM E2-2-11 Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Critical Variables for Multilayer Coatings Failure under Indentation Loads
Newton Fukumasu (University of São Paulo, Brazil); Erika Prados (Federal University of ABC, Brazil); André Tschiptschin, Roberto Souza (University of São Paulo, Brazil)

In indentation tests, the material response to the loading and unloading cycle is commonly used to evaluate the mechanical properties of single and multiple layer coatings. For example, in addition to hardness and elastic modulus, the failure behavior of these materials can be analyzed based on specific signatures on the load-displacement (P-h) indentation curves. In this work, experimental and numerical methods were applied to analyze the failure behavior of single and multi-layer coatings deposited on compliant substrates. A recent publication defined a technological parameter (F1), which indicates the possibility to observe the nucleation and propagation of cohesive cracks in single-layer coatings under indentation loads. This work further explores this parameter with experimental nano-indentation tests and expands the parameter definition to include characteristics of multilayer coatings. Two sets of multilayer coatings (different number, mechanical properties and thicknesses of each layer) were produced and experimentally evaluated. The numerical model was based on a rigid indenter in contact with the coated compliant substrate. The mechanical behavior of the coating layers was based on the properties of brittle elastic materials, while the substrate was assumed as a ductile elastic-perfectly plastic material. Both cohesive and adhesive failure models were included in the analyses, allowing the evaluation of failure modes in the coating and/or at discrete interfaces (between layers and between the coating and the substrate). Results allowed not only an experimental analysis on the parameter F1 for single layer systems, but also the identification of the relevant variables to define the threshold of cohesive failure in multilayer systems.

5:10 PM E2-2-12 Investigation on Plastic Behavior of HPPMS CrN, AlN and CrN/AlN-Multilayer Coatings using Finite Element Simulation and Nanoindentation
Kirsten Bobzin (RWTH Aachen University, Germany); Nazlim Bagcivan (Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Germany); Tobias Brögelmann, Ricardo Brugnara, Mostafa Arghavani (RWTH Aachen University, Germany); Tung-Sheng Yang, Yin-Yu Chang, Sheng-Yi Chang (National Formosa University, Taiwan)
A comprehensive investigation of hard coatings deposited by Physical Vapor deposition (PVD) requires, in addition to the elastic properties, a precise knowledge of their plastic behavior. Nanoindentation is a commonly applied method to determine the hardness and the elastic modulus of PVD coatings. Determination of flow curve of PVD thin coatings using a combination of nanoindentation and finite element (FE) simulation is subject of actual research. In the presented work, nanoindentation tests with a Berkovich tip, in combination with its FEM simulation, were used to determine the plastic flow curves of CrN, AlN and CrN/AlN-multilayer coatings deposited by High Power Pulse Magnetron Sputtering (HPPMS) PVD on cemented carbide substrates. A high resistance of these coatings against plastic deformation is of great importance as it extends the lifetime of the coated tools in tribological applications. The applied FEM model is used to simulate the indentation process. The details of the FEM model and the applied experimental and analytical methods are discussed. The determination of the simulative flow curves is carried out by finding the coefficients of the considered plastic flow model. The coefficients are determined by comparing the experimental and simulated load–displacement curves, and additionally, by correlating the residual indents after nanoindentation in simulation and experiment. The correlation is performed by depth profiling of the residual indents using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The plastic behavior of the studied coating systems was analyzed combining the determined flow curves and the results of the residual indents. The influence of the nanostructure on the plastic behavior is explained in this work. The results show a higher resistance of the nanostructured CrN/AlN-multilayer coating against plastic deformation compared to CrN and AlN. This is due to the nm-sized alternating layers and the fine grained morphology of the CrN/AlN-multilayer compared to the pure coatings, which hinders the dislocation motion.
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