AVS 70 Session SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM: Advanced Surface Characterization Techniques & Mort Traum Presentation

Friday, November 8, 2024 8:15 AM in Room 120
Friday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(312 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
Time Period FrM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic SS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 70 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
8:15 AM Invited SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM-1 Infrared Spectroscopy as a Surface Science Technique
Michael Trenary (University of Illinois - Chicago)

Infrared spectroscopy is widely used to probe the vibrational properties of molecules in the gas, liquid, and solid phases. On the other hand, precise information on the structure and chemistry of solid surfaces, and of molecular adsorbates on solid surfaces, is best gained through use of surface science methods. These methods generally entail the use of single crystals, ultrahigh vacuum conditions, and surface sensitive techniques. Reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS) is a surface sensitive technique that can be used in ultrahigh vacuum to study molecular adsorption on well characterized metal single crystal samples. Unlike many other surface science methods, it can also be used under elevated gas pressures. The spectra obtained display features that are quite distinct from those of other phases of matter. For example, in the gas phase, rotational fine structure greatly complicates the appearance of the spectra but is absent in the spectra of adsorbed molecules. In the liquid phase, spectra are broadened by both static and dynamic effects often making it difficult to resolve vibrational peaks due to different chemical species. In polycrystalline molecular solids, molecules are randomly oriented relative to the electric field directions of the infrared radiation, limiting the value of the spectra as a structural probe. In contrast, when molecules adsorb on metal surfaces, they often adopt a definite orientation with respect to the surface normal. This orientation can be deduced through the surface dipole selection rule, which states that only normal modes with a component of the dynamic dipole moment oriented along the surface normal will be allowed. While IR spectroscopy in several forms has long been used to study molecular adsorption on supported transition metal catalysts, the high degree of heterogeneity of the catalyst surfaces leads to very broad peaks, with full width at half maxima (FWHM) of 10-50 cm-1. In contrast, the FWHM of peaks measured with RAIRS on well-ordered metal surfaces can be quite narrow, in some cases even less than 1 cm-1. When a polyatomic molecule exhibits sharp peaks throughout the mid-IR range, the advantages of performing RAIRS with a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer are most pronounced. This talk will cover the speaker’s forty years of research using the technique of RAIRS to study molecular adsorbates on metal surfaces.

8:45 AM SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM-3 Modeling Pipeline Surface Chemistry: Reaction of Monochloramine on Iron Surfaces
Kathryn Perrine, Subash Pandey, Olorontoba Agbelusi (Michigan Technological University)

Monochloramine (NH2Cl), a secondary disinfectant, is utilized to treat pathogens in the municipal water system, producing fewer halogenated disinfection by-products and lasting longer than free chlorine (hypochlorite). Although a weaker oxidant, NH2Cl has the potential to corrode the surface of pipeline materials resulting in the dissolution of unwanted species. Copper and lead pipelines have been shown to corrode in chloramine solutions, however on iron materials the surface chemistry is unexplored. Complex chemistry occurs on the surface of pipelines at solution/metal interfaces, thus providing catalytic sites for dissociation, decomposition, and degradation. Iron comprises distribution pipelines and also exists as oxides in soils in the natural environment. Redox reactions occur on the surface of iron materials, thus initiating surface corrosion. Here, various active sites on iron are produced and known for high reactivity with nitrogen compounds. Our group employs a surface science approach to uncovering mechanisms at complex interfaces.

In this study, the reaction of monochloramine (NH2Cl) was investigated on single crystal Fe(111) in ultra-high vacuum at the gas/solid interface using in situ infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy. At -160 °C, NH2Cl molecularly adsorbs to the surface while the annealing leads to the loss of key vibrational modes, suggesting that either molecular desorption or dissociation occurs. These observations are contrasted with our findings at the solution/iron interface, where polarized modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS), ATR-FTIR, XPS, and XRD were used to assess the various regions after corrosion and their film growth. In solution, localized heterogeneous corrosion products were observed and identified, suggesting different reaction pathways exist in strongly oxidizing solutions. These findings are important for understanding the mechanism of chloramines and water disinfectants on iron interfaces relevant for water quality, material degradation, and other complex environmental processes.

9:00 AM SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM-4 Development of Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Solid-Liquid Interfaces
Naihao Chiang (University of Houston)

Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) combines the spatial resolution of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) with the chemical sensitivity of Raman spectroscopy. TERS with sub-nanometer resolution has been demonstrated under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. We aim to extend this unprecedented chemical mapping capability to interfacial studies under the solution phase. Specifically, we have developed a scanning ion-conductance microscope for TERS (SICM-TERS) capable of interrogating soft samples. In this presentation, the instrumental design will be discussed first. SICM-TERS probe fabrication and evaluation will be followed. Then, a distance-dependent SICM-TERS measurement on two-dimensional MoS2 sheets will be used to assess the strain created by the SICM probe in close proximity. Our results demonstrate the potential of combining TERS with SICM for obtaining chemical information at interfaces, thus setting the stage for future investigation into soft materials in electrolytic environments.

9:15 AM SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM-5 Ion Based Pump-Probe: Probing the Dynamics Following an Ion Impact
Lars Breuer, Lukas Kalkhoff, Ann-Sophie Meyer, Nele Junker, Leon Lasnik (Universität Duisburg-Essen); Yifan Yao, Andre Schleife (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign); Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten, Andreas Wucher, Marika Schleberger (Universität Duisburg-Essen)

The study of ion-surface interactions is crucial for understanding material properties and their atomic-level dynamic responses. The transient nature of these interactions, occurring on ultrafast time scales, has so far limited direct experimental observation and has left the field reliant on computer simulations. Existing experimental methods, such as pump-probe techniques, have faced challenges in generating and precisely timing short, monoenergetic ion pulses essential for capturing these ultrafast phenomena.

Our group has pioneered a novel approach that overcomes these limitations by generating the world's shortest monoenergetic ion pulses in the keV regime, with a current duration of approximately 5 ps. These pulses are produced using femtosecond photoionization of a geometrically cooled gas jet, coupled with miniaturization of the ionization section.

In our experiments, we conduct ion-based pump-probe experiments observing the emission of hot electrons post-ion impact, similar to processes studied in two-photon photoemission (2PPE) experiments. Our findings not only demonstrate the feasibility of our approach and provide direct measurements of the ion pulse characteristics but also offer insights into the non-equilibrium dynamics of electronic excitation in solids following an ion impact. We can track the electronic excitation and determine the temporal evolution of a pseudo electron temperature.

This research opens new avenues for understanding the fundamental processes underlying ion-solid interactions, with significant implications for semiconductor manufacturing and materials science. Our work sets a new standard for temporal resolution in the study of ion-induced phenomena and lays the groundwork for future innovations in the field.

9:30 AM SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM-6 How Hot Plasmonic Heating Can Be: Phase Transition and Melting of P25 TiO2 from Plasmonic Heating of Au Nanoparticles
Weigang Lu, Rohil Kayastha, Blake Birmingham, Bernd Zechmann, Zhenrong Zhang (Baylor University)

Plasmonic heating has been utilized in many applications including photocatalysis, photothermal therapy, and photocuring. However, how high the temperature can be reached for the surrounding media due to the collective heating of the plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) and the impact of the heat dissipation on the surrounding media is not clear. Herein we studied the impact of plasmonic heat generated by resonantly excited gold (Au) NPs on P25 TiO2 nanoparticle film. Under 532 nm continuous laser irradiation at the surface of the Au-TiO2, the surface evaporation of Au nanoparticles and phase transition of TiO2 were observed at moderate laser power. More importantly, as high as the melting point of TiO2 of 1830°C is confirmed from the molten TiO2 rutile phase. When Au/TiO2 was irradiated with an off-resonance laser at 638 nm, no phase transformation or melting of TiO2 was observed. The temperature calculation shows that the heating generated by Au nanoparticles is not localized. The collective heating from an ensemble of Au nanoparticles in the irradiated area produces a global temperature rise that melts TiO2. Our results suggest that the photothermal effect could be a major mechanism in the plasmon-assisted photocatalytic reactions. The experimental observation of the high temperature of the supporting media suggests new applications for utilizing plasmonic heating, for example, additive manufacturing.

9:45 AM SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM-7 Kinetics and Dynamics of Recombinative Desorption of Oxygen from Silver and Rhodium Surfaces
Dan Killelea (Loyola University Chicago)

The ability to obtain velocity distributions of molecules desorbing from surfaces with both high temporal precision and angular resolution provide newfound insight into both the kinetics and the dynamics of recombinative desorption and subsurface emergence.

I will discuss our observations of subsurface oxygen emerging from beneath Rh(111) and how the velocity distribution shifts in comparison to the thermally-dominated desorption pathways found for surface-adsorbed oxygen. In addition, it was recently discovered that decomposition of oxygenaceous surface phases on Ag(111) also exhibit pronounced shifts in the energetics of the desorbing oxygen molecules. I will discuss these observations and their potential impacts in oxidation reactions in heterogeneously catalyzed reactions over transition metal surfaces.

10:00 AM SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM-8 Mort Traum Award Announcement

10:15 AM BREAK
10:45 AM SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM-11 Investigation of Stannane (SnH4) Decomposition and Sticking Coefficient on Varied Metal Surfaces in EUV Lithography Environments
Emily Greene, Nathan Barlett, Dren Qerimi, David Ruzic (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

In the context of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, the evaporation of tin droplets frequently leads to the deposition of tin on various chamber surfaces, including collector mirrors. A prevalent method to remove this tin deposition involves hydrogen plasma etching, which transforms the deposited tin into stannane (SnH4). This compound, existing in a gaseous state under operational conditions, can be evacuated from the chamber using a vacuum pump. However, stannane is characterized by its instability, tending to decompose and adhere to various surfaces within the chamber.

To systematically study the decomposition behavior of stannane, a specialized experimental chamber has been designed. This chamber integrates a load-lock mechanism for inserting a test tube containing liquid stannane into a loading section, which is isolated from the main vacuum chamber by a valve. Within the main chamber, a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), regulated by a cartridge heater, measures the mass of stannane deposits. The QCM will be set to temperatures between 30-300˚C. Upon opening the valve, the stannane vaporizes and interacts with the temperature-controlled QCM, facilitating the quantitative determination of the sticking coefficient as a function of both the surface material and the temperature.

Stannane is synthesized through the reaction of LiAlH4, SnCl4, C8H18O, and C4H10O2. The four chemicals are mixed in a 3-neck flask while under vacuum. The reaction produces SnH4which is flows through three U-tubes traps. The first trap is held at -96˚C to trap precursors, the second two traps are help at -196˚C and trap the stannane. The stannane is increasingly pure the more traps are used.

This investigation aims to understand and quantify the mechanisms of stannane deposition and decomposition, enhancing the maintenance and efficiency of EUV lithographic systems by optimizing the cleaning protocols for tin contamination.

11:00 AM SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM-12 First Principles Methods for Predicting Surface Reaction Mechanisms for Chemical Functionalization of Semiconductor Surfaces
Roberto Longo, Shyam Sridhar, Peter Ventzek (Tokyo Electron America Inc.,)

The density of semiconductor devices continues to increase, accompanied by the subsequent scaling down of the critical dimension (CD) size, which is now on the order of a few nanometers. This results in device structure changes, from two-dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) structures, because the CD size has reached its limit of reduction. To accomplish this, precise chemical modification of the required surfaces with atomic scale precision is key to obtain the desired geometric control. Precise modification implies being able to leverage knowledge of individual plasma born species and surface interactions. Unfortunately, species specific chemical interaction mechanisms in the context of reactive ions and chemical etching are still poorly understood for the full range of chemical environments at play. Once dissociated in plasma radicals, there might be a wide array of compositions. For similar atomic compositions, variations in the molecular structure of the chemical precursor can also result in significant differences as to the surface modifications and subsequent etching characteristics. The chemical nature of the surface including coverage and chemical activity add significant dimensionality to the problem of controlling plasma surface interactions in general. We divide the problem of elucidating plasma surface interactions into two major categories for practical purposes: hydrofluorocarbon driven for oxide etch and halogen driven for silicon etch. We present here semiconductor surface modeling with general characteristics and investigate the reaction mechanisms undergone by a large variety of hydrofluorocarbon molecular precursors using density-functional theory (DFT), with a focus on reactive halogen adsorption. Given the large parameter space of this problem, we describe computational approaches that efficiently and accurately generate fundamental data. Physical and chemical surface reactions and the corresponding byproducts are identified, obtaining self-limitation thresholds for each specific functionalizing chemistry. Therefore, our computational results provide valuable insights on the complex physical, chemical, and dynamic molecular and ion interactions with functionalized semiconductor surfaces, paving the road for designing tailored strategies with the desired outcome for each specific system.

11:15 AM SS+AMS+AS+CA+LS-FrM-13 A Model Interstellar Medium Reactivity Study: Low Energy Electron Induced Chemistry of CH3OH@H2O
Ahmad Nawaz, Micha Asscher (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

The desorption kinetics for MeOH@H2O sandwich films from Ru(0001) surfaces are investigated using temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) at ultrahigh vacuum, with a base pressure of 2x10-10 Torr and temperature 25K. The TPD spectra of all the prominent stable molecular products were well detected by an in-situ quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS). However, variation of the QMS signals were observed to be lower at different exposure to the negative charges in different time interval. Further, the MeOH parent molecules decompose, upon exposure to electrons at energies of 100 eV and 6.4 eV. Molecules at m/z of 2, 28 and 44, assigned to H2, CO and CO2, were the most abundant products. The typical mass spectra of the parent molecules within the sandwich layer (16 ML) are shown in Figure 1. Here, the MeOH peaks appears at ~140K while the water desorption peak is at ~160K.

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Session Abstract Book
(312 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
Time Period FrM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic SS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 70 Schedule