AVS 70 Session EM+2D+AP+QS+TF-ThM: Epitaxy: Advances in Materials Integration and Devices
Session Abstract Book
(308 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
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8:00 AM |
EM+2D+AP+QS+TF-ThM-1 Electronic and Photonic Integrated Devices Enabled by Local III-V on Si Heteroepitaxy
Markus Scherrer (IBM Research GmbH, Zurich Research Laboratory); Kirsten E. Moselund (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland); Heinz Schmid (IBM Research GmbH, Zurich Research Laboratory) Heterogeneous integration of electronic chiplets is one of the key performance drivers in today’s HPC and consumer products. Similarly, a performance benefit can be envisioned by heterogeneous integration of preferred materials at the device level. Here we explore this bottom-up path and report on local growth of III-V compound semiconductors on silicon for electronic and photonic applications. For electronic applications the high charge carrier mobility in III-V materials is particularly interesting, while for optical devices, the direct bandgap and in-plane coupling to Si waveguides are key benefits. We will detail the epitaxial growth of III-Vs on Si by template-assisted selective epitaxy using MOCVD and highlight this method´s uses by discussing selected device characteristics for field-effect transistors [1] and pin photodetectors directly integrated to Si waveguides [2]. The dense and precise co-placement of III-V gain material with Si allows for novel device designs, which will be illustrated by recent results on lasers based on hybrid III-V/Si photonic crystal cavity designs [3]. This research is supported by EU Grant 860095, 678567, 735008 and SNF grant 188173. [1] C. Convertino et al. Nat. Electron. (2021) doi.org/10.1038/s41928-020-00531-3 [2] P. Wen et al. Nat. Comm. (2022) doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28502-6. [3] M. Scherrer et al. ACS Photonics (2024) doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01372 |
8:15 AM |
EM+2D+AP+QS+TF-ThM-2 In situ Graphene Barriers for Remote Epitaxy of SiC
Daniel Pennachio, Jenifer Hajzus, Rachael Myers-Ward (US Naval Research Laboratory) Remote epitaxy (RE) is a thin film growth technique where epitaxial alignment is directed by interactions with a substrate despite it being covered by a top layer of material.[1] This top layer must be inert and atomically thin for the underlying substrate’s potential field to dominate the epitaxial alignment. Since the intermediate layer is inert, the epitaxial thin film is weakly bonded to the substrate and can be removed as a freestanding membrane and the substrate can be reused, without the damage associated with other transfer techniques such as controlled cleaving or ion implantation. Transferred 2D two-dimensional (2D) material, such as graphene, is commonly used for a layer, but the transfer can degrade the film and increase process complexity. To avoid this, we aim to grow in situ graphene in the same chemical vapor deposition (CVD) RE growth as SiC. RE SiC is advantageous since the high cost of SiC makes substrate reuse appealing and isolated SiC membranes are excellent for quantum photonics. Despite these benefits, SiC’s high-temperature hydrogen-containing CVD environment can easily damage graphene, making RE difficult. This study established growth windows for in situ graphene via propane-based hot wall CVD followed by subsequent SiC deposition. Growing at 1620 °C in 20 slm H2 with 20 sccm propane flow produced predominantly monolayer (ML) graphene films on on-axis 6H-SiC(0001) substrates and 2-3 ML films on 4° off-axis 4H-SiC(0001) substrates with minimal defects found in Raman spectral maps. These films exhibited increased uniformity over graphene grown via Si sublimation from the SiC substrate, as determined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Raman spectral maps. This optimal graphene growth condition was used for subsequent RE attempts to study the effect of SiC growth temperature, precursor C/Si ratio, and growth rate on epilayer crystallinity and graphene barrier damage. Nomarski microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and AFM found SiC grown at 1620°C with a C/Si ratio of 1.55 to have the smoothest surface morphology and fewest polytype inclusions. SiC crystalline quality appeared correlated to growth rate, with lower growth rates producing smoother films with fewer polytype inclusions. Single-crystalline, polytype-pure SiC epilayers was achieved on 4° off-axis CVD graphene/4H-SiC(0001). Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of some growth interfaces in this study exhibited non-uniform multilayer graphitic carbon, motivating further study of this growth system to improve boundary uniformity and SiC epilayer quality. [1] Kim, Y., Cruz, S., Lee, K. et al. Nature 544, 340–343 (2017). View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
8:30 AM |
EM+2D+AP+QS+TF-ThM-3 Basal Plane Dislocation Mitigation via Annealing and Growth Interrupts
Rachael Myers-Ward, Nadeemullah Mahadik, David Scheiman, Jenifer Hajzus, Samuel White, Daniel Pennachio (Naval Research Laboratory) Basal plane dislocations (BPD) in SiC are high-voltage bipolar device killers that source Shockley-type stacking faults in the presence of an electron-hole plasma [1].Multiple research groups have been successful in mitigating their propagation from the substrate into the epitaxial layer [2-5]. While these are sufficient for typical SiC devices, for high pulsed power current density or high surge current capability applications, the injected carrier concentration is significant enough to expand converted BPDs. Here, we will report results from comparisons of H2 etching to Ar annealing and the use of H2 versus Ar during growth interrupts to prevent BPD expansion. SiC epitaxial layers were grown using a CVD reactor on 4° off-axis substrates toward the [11-20] that are known to have BPDs. A H2 etch or Ar anneal was performed before the buffer layer (BL) growth while a growth interrupt in H2 or Ar was conducted prior to the intentionally low doped drift layer. Ultraviolet photoluminescence (UVPL) imaging was used to image the samples before and after UV stressing up to 13 kWcm-2. The H2 etch and H2 growth interrupt prevented BPDs from expanding under UV stress of 13kWcm-2 and it is believed that the H2 treatment specifically inhibited this expansion. To confirm the role of H2, we performed a growth using the same conditions as the H2 etch/interrupt, however, an Ar anneal was used instead of a H2 etch and the growth interrupt was conducted in an Ar atmosphere instead of H2. The sample was UV stressed up to 1000 Wcm-2 and it was found that four BPD expanded from the substrate into the epilayer. For comparison, a sample grown with a double H2 etch (before the buffer layer growth and drift layer) and a sample grown with a H2 etch plus H2 growth interrupt did not produce faulting at the same power density. This indicates that H2 influences BPD expansion. We will present detailed parametric results of samples grown with various etching/ annealing, growth interrupts, anneal times, buffer layer thickness, gas flow rates and interrupt temperature, both in H2 and Ar. [1]J.P. Bergman, et. al., Mater. Sci. Forum Vol. 353-356, 299 (2001). [2]N.A. Mahadik et.al., Mater Sci Forum 858, 233 (2016). [3]R. E. Stahlbush, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 041916 (2009). [4]M. Kato, et al., Sci. Rep., 12, 18790 (2022). [5]N.A. Mahadik et. al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 042102 (2012). |
8:45 AM |
EM+2D+AP+QS+TF-ThM-4 Shadow Mask Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Shagorika Mukherjee, Rahul Sitaram, Xi Wang (University of Delaware); Stephanie Law (Pennsylvania State University) Shadow mask molecular beam epitaxy (SMMBE) is a form of selective area epitaxy (SAE)which uses a mask either directly fabricated on or placed in contact with the substrate. During film deposition, epitaxial layers are grown on the substrate through apertures in the mask. In addition to selective area growth, SMMBE also produces a shadowing effect near the mask edges in which elemental fluxes vary as a function of position. This results in a gradient of film thickness and/or composition near the mask edges. The steepness of the gradient can be controlled by varying the mask thickness and/or the angle of the mask edges. In this paper, we demonstrate the potential of the SMMBE technique to create in-plane gradient permittivity materials (GPMs) by taking advantage of the shadowing effect. A GPM is a material in which the permittivity varies as a function of location. Our aim is to synthesize in-plane GPMs, in which the permittivity varies in the lateral in-plane direction rather than in the vertical growth direction. In an in-plane GPM, different wavelengths of light can be confined at different in-plane locations on the chip. We are interested in creating an infrared GPM, so we chose Si:InAs as our material. To create our GPMs, we use the SMMBE approach: by creating flux gradients of both indium and silicon near the edges of the mask, we can control the doping density and thus the permittivity of Si:InAs in the lateral in-plane direction. We started with reusable Si masks that are 200 um thick and 1 cm x 1 cm in dimension. Each mask has an aperture at its center which has a dimension of 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm at the top and 0.528 cm x 0.528 cm at the bottom. Nano-FTIR spectra obtained via s-SNOM using a mid-IR nano-FTIR module demonstrates that we successfully synthesized infrared GPMs. The GPM grown using a 200 um mask can confine light with wavenumbers 650 cm-1 to 900 cm-1 over an in-plane distance of 13 um. In this talk, I will discuss the influence of several growth parameters in controlling the in-plane permittivity of the GPMs, including the growth temperature, mask thickness, and As:In ratio. In particular, the 500 um mask provides a larger shadowing effect in comparison to 200 um mask. This leads to a larger gradient in permittivity over a longer in-plane distance in the GPM: light with wavenumbers 650 cm-1 to 1400 cm-1 can be confined over an in-plane distance of 30 um. This provides a larger surface area for the construction of an ultracompact spectrometer. Tailored mask designs can be employed to synthesize in-plane GPMs with tailored permittivity gradients in the future. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
9:00 AM |
EM+2D+AP+QS+TF-ThM-5 Impact of Excess Ga on Electronic Properties in Plasma-assisted MBE-grown β-Ga2O3
Thaddeus Asel, Brenton Noesges, Jian Li, Yunjo Kim, Adam Neal, Shin Mou (Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, USA) β-Ga2O3 has been of significant interest due to its high electric breakdown field, commercially available native substrate, and shallow n-type donors. However, β-Ga2O3 differs from other Ga-based semiconductors where metal-rich growth conditions are utilized to achieve adsorption-controlled growth by consuming the Ga flux entirely. Instead, β-Ga2O3 growth must balance the incorporation of Ga with the desorption of a volatile suboxide species, Ga2O where this suboxide is a limiting step when growing β-Ga2O3 via molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) with a traditional Ga source. Increased Ga2O desorption causes the growth rate of β-Ga2O3 to decrease as the Ga flux is increased beyond the stoichiometric point of the material and can impact the stoichiometry of the grown film. In this work, we explore the impact of O-rich and Ga-rich conditions on electronic properties in films of β-Ga2O3 grown via plasma-assisted MBE (PAMBE). Initial results comparing two samples under O-rich and Ga-rich conditions showed a large difference in peak low-temperature mobility. The O-rich sample showed a peak low temperature mobility of 793 cm2 /V∙s while Ga-rich sample peaked at only 198 cm2 /V∙s. The mobility and volume carrier density versus temperature data was fit using a model to extract out donor and compensating acceptor density. The Ga-rich sample showed an acceptor concentration of 2.0×1016 cm-3 compared to the O-rich sample that was measured to have an acceptor concentration of 3.0×1015, and order of magnitude lower. This is possibly due to the formation of VGa during the Ga2O desorption process during the growth of the films. Another series of films were grown across a wider range of O- to Ga-rich conditions to further establish a trend between growth conditions and compensating acceptor density. Only Ga flux varied between samples and substrate temperature, Si source temperature and RF oxygen plasma conditions were held constant. Si concentration in each film was anti-correlated with the growth rate which is expected. Conversely, compensating acceptor density increased with increasing Ga-rich conditions and does not follow the trend of the growth rate. The best peak low-temperature mobility occurred for the sample grown in the most O-rich conditions (789.6 cm2/Vs) and mobility decreased with increasing compensating acceptor concentration. Overall, these results indicate the importance of Ga:O ratios in β-Ga2O3 films grown via MBE with conventional Ga sources. These results demonstrate how improved electronical performance can be achieved in β-Ga2O3 by growing under O-rich conditions and limiting the formation of VGa due to suboxide desorption. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
9:15 AM |
EM+2D+AP+QS+TF-ThM-6 Advancing Single-Crystalline Oxide Membrane Growth via Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Shivasheesh Varshney, Sooho Choo (University of Minnesota); Martí Ramis (Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC)); Liam Thompson, Jay Shah, Zhifei Yang, Jiaxuan Wen, Steven J. Koester, K. Andre Mkhoyan, Alexander S. McLeod (University of Minnesota); Mariona Coll (Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC)); Bharat Jalan (University of Minnesota) A sacrificial layer method has proven to be an effective route for synthesizing free-standing membranes. In this approach, a crystalline sacrificial layer is selectively dissolved in water, allowing the target film to be transferred onto a host substrate. However, commonly used sacrificial layers (such as SrCa2Al2O6) have complex stoichiometry, posing synthesis challenges in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). In this presentation, we will discuss two distinct but MBE-friendly, fast and facile approaches to synthesize single-crystalline oxide nanomembranes using hybrid MBE [1,2]. In particular, we synthesize epitaxially, single-crystalline SrTiO3 membranes, ranging from a few unit cells to several hundred nanometers in thickness, using an SrO sacrificial layer, and a solution-processed amorphous SrCa2Al2O6sacrificial layer. Films grows in a layer-by-layer growth mode on a solution-processed amorphous SrCa2Al2O6 whereas in a step-flow growth mode on SrO sacrificial layer. Films grown on SrO layer dissolve rapidly (< 5 minutes) in water, resulting in millimeter-sized membranes. Combining structural characterization using x-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), piezo force microscopy (PFM), and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), we will present the structure-property relationships in these membranes with particular emphasis on investigating the role of non-stoichiometry on dielectric properties. Using PFM, we demonstrate that Sr-deficient films exhibit robust polarization at room temperature, while stoichiometric films remain consistent with the paraelectric phase. Finally, we will present the growth of single crystalline complex oxide films on a compliant substrate consisting of a few unit-cell SrTiO3 seed layers onto an amorphous SiO2 wafer.
9:30 AM |
EM+2D+AP+QS+TF-ThM-7 Flash Session
10:00 AM | BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall |