NAMBE 2023 Session NM-MoM1: Oxide Semiconductors
Session Abstract Book
(330 KB, Sep 6, 2023)
Time Period MoM Sessions
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| NAMBE 2023 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
7:45 AM |
NM-MoM1-1 Welcome and Sponsor Thank Yous
8:00 AM | Invited |
NM-MoM1-2 Art Gossard MBE Innovator Awardee Talk: Setting a New Quality Standard for Both Holes and Electrons in GaAs Ultra-High Mobility Quantum Wells
Loren N. Pfeiffer (Princeton University) |
8:30 AM |
NM-MoM1-4 Silicon-doped β-Ga2O3 Films Grown at 1 μm/h by Suboxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy
Kathy Azizie, Felix Hensling, Cameron Gorsak (Cornell University); Yunjo Kim (Air Force Research Laboratory); Naomi Pieczulewski (Cornell University); Daniel Dryden (Air Force Research Laboratory); Matara Senevirathna, Selena Coye (Clark Atlanta University); Shun-Li Shang (Penn State University); Jacob Steele, Patrick Vogt, Nicholas Parker, Yorick Birkhölzer (Cornell University); Zi-Kui Liu (Penn State University); Michael Williams (Clark Atlanta University); Kelson Chabak (Air Force Research Laboratory); David Muller (Cornell University); Adam Neal, Shin Mou (Air Force Research Laboratory); Darrell Schlom (Cornell University) We report the use of suboxide molecular-beam epitaxy (S-MBE) to grow β-Ga2O3 at a growth rate of ~1 µm/h with control of the silicon doping concentration from 5x1016 to 1019 cm–3. In S-MBE, pre-oxidized gallium in the form of a molecular beam that is 99.98% Ga2O, i.e., gallium suboxide, is supplied. Directly supplying Ga2O to the growth surface bypasses the rate-limiting first step of the two-step reaction mechanism involved in the growth of β-Ga2O3 by conventional MBE. As a result, a growth rate of ~1 µm/h is readily achieved at a relatively low growth temperature (Tsub ≈ 525 °C), resulting in films with high structural perfection and smooth surfaces (rms roughness of < 2 nm on ~1 µm thick films). Silicon-containing oxide sources (SiO and SiO2) producing an SiO suboxide molecular beam are used to dope the β–Ga2O3 layers. Temperature-dependent Hall effect measurements on a 1 µm thick film with a mobile carrier concentration of 2.7x1017 cm–3 reveal a room-temperature mobility of 124 cm2 V–1 s–1 that increases to 627 cm2 V–1 s–1 at 76 K; the silicon dopants are found to exhibit an activation energy of 27 meV. We also demonstrate working MESFETs made from these silicon-doped β-Ga2O3 films grown by S-MBE at growth rates of ~1 μm/h. |
8:45 AM |
NM-MoM1-5 Improving Si Dopant Control in n-type β-Gallium Oxide
Brenton Noesges, Yunjo Kim, Adam Neal, Shin Mou, Thaddeus Asel (Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, USA) Ultra-wide band gap materials such as β-gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) are promising for high power electronic devices since breakdown voltage scales with band gap. Within this material class, β-Ga2O3 is unique since β-Ga2O3 can be grown from the melt and demonstrates n-type conductivity with carrier concentration controllable between 1016 -1020 cm-3 with low donor activation energies.1 However, oxidation of dopant material affects source vapor pressures which can impact dopant profile uniformity in β-Ga2O3 grown via PAMBE.2,3 This work is focused on optimizing uniform dopant profiles in the low Si doping regime (<1018 cm-3) of β-Ga2O3 films since Si doping concentrations show a gradient, increasing toward the surface of the thin films. SIMS and C-V measurements both show Si concentrations of ~3x1017 cm-3. We also examine another aspect of Si incorporation in β-Ga2O3 that needs consideration when using traditional effusion cells as a Si dopant source. Previous work in PAMBE β-Ga2O3 growth demonstrated the importance of oxygen plasma power and Si cell temperature on the background amount of Si present in β-Ga2O3 films.4 In this work, we continued to explore sources of unintentional Si accumulation during the PAMBE growth process from sources like the quartz plasma bulb and Si effusion cell. The presence of Si at the interface between β-Ga2O3 substrate and film provides a parasitic conduction channel which is problematic for device performance. Attempts have been made to remove Si at β-Ga2O3 interfaces via etching. Our results indicate that removing interfacial Si may not be as simple since Si can re-accumulate during PAMBE, thus limiting the effectiveness of pre-growth surface treatments. Exposing a clean β-Ga2O3 surface to a quartz plasma bulb alone did not produce Si accumulation at the surface. On the other hand, a growth interrupt exposing a fresh β-Ga2O3 surface to a hot Si cell with shutter closed for several minutes produced Si accumulation equal to that of the interfacial Si between substrate and film. These results demonstrate that removing Si prior to loading into PAMBE may be inadequate to remove interfacial Si since Si can be re-introduced from the Si dopant cell during pre-deposition stages. These results point toward important challenges and potential solutions when growing Si-doped β-Ga2O3 thin films. 1 Neal, A. T. et al., Appl. Phys. Lett.113, 062101 (2018). 2 Kalarickal, N.K., et al., Appl. Phys. Lett.115, 152106 (2019). 3 McCandless, J.P., et al. Appl. Phys. Lett.121, 072108 (2022). 4 Asel, T. J., et al., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A38, 043403 (2020). |
9:00 AM |
NM-MoM1-6 The Effect of Gallium Beam Flux on Electron Transoport in β-Ga2O3 Grown via Plasma Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Thaddeus Asel, Brenton Noesges, Yunjo Kim, Adam Neal, Shin Mou (Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate) β-Ga2O3 has been of interest due to its large bandgap and high critical electric field, making it an excellent candidate for power electronic and RF applications [1]. The community has made significant improvements in the growth of β-Ga2O3 via several techniques including molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). However, there has not been a study of the relationship between the β-Ga2O3 growth parameters and their effects on the defects present in the crystal and their impact on the electronic transport properties. Utilizing temperature dependent Hall Effect measurements and a self-consistent fitting of the temperature dependent carrier density and mobility data, we are able to quantify the concentration defect states, including compensating acceptors, deep level impurities, and unintentional donors, present in the epitaxial films. The Ga beam flux can control the oxygen to Ga ratio present in the chamber as our oxygen is held constant for each growth run. This allows for growths that occur in the “oxygen rich” regime where the amount of Ga supplied limits the growth rate and the “gallium rich” regime where the amount of O supplied limits the growth rate. In both regimes the formation of the volatile suboxide Ga2O occurs, but in the gallium rich regime, the desorption of Ga2O causes a lower growth rate than that seen in the oxygen rich regime, due to the excess of Ga presence preventing the second reaction step in Ga2O3 growth. Two preliminary samples were grown in the gallium rich (Ga Beam Flux = 1 × 10-7 Torr) and oxygen rich (Ga Beam Flux = 6 × 10-8 Torr) regimes. The samples had different doping densities of 4.25 × 1017 cm-3 in the gallium rich sample and 2.60 × 1017 cm-3 in the oxygen rich sample, this discrepancy is due to an inaccuracy in the Si doping source. The acceptor concentration in the gallium rich sample was calculated to be 7.26 × 1016 cm-3 and 4.50 × 1015 cm-3 in the oxygen rich sample, a factor of 16 difference based on the Ga beam. This is likely due to Ga vacancies that can form during desorption of Ga2O during growth. These results indicate that there is significant impact on the electron transport properties of β-Ga2O3 with a change in the Ga to O ratio during growth, and that optimization of growth parameters is needed to optimize the electronic properties of MBE grown β-Ga2O3. |
9:15 AM |
NM-MoM1-7 Growth of ⍺-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 by Suboxide Molecular-Beam Epitaxy
Jacob Steele, Kathy Azizie, Naomi Pieczulewski, Jon McCandless (Cornell University); Indika S. Matara Kankanamge, Michael D. Williams (Clark Atlanta University); Huili Grace Xing, Debdeep Jena, David A. Muller (Cornell University); Takeyoshi Onuma (Kogakuin University); Darrell G. Schlom (Cornell University (USA) and Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (Germany)) Ga2O3 has attracted significant interest due to its ultra-wide bandgap, high electron mobility, and large breakdown field. These properties exceed the current benchmarks set by materials such as SiC and GaN, making Ga2O3 optimal for next-generation power devices. Still, it has been proposed that the properties of Ga2O3can be extended further by alloying with Al to form (AlxGa1-x)2O3 which can raise the bandgap to 8.6 eV. This goal presents a challenge for the most researched phase, β, as β-Ga2O3thermodynamically prefers a monoclinic structure and α-Al2O3 is stable in the corundum structure. This structural mismatch limits the compositional range and the range of attainable bandgaps. In contrast, α-Ga2O3 occupies the corundum structure and has been shown to alloy over the full compositional range, enabling bandgaps from 5.3 - 8.6 eV. One method of growing α-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 is molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). MBE is a powerful and highly controllable growth technique for α-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 thin films with drawbacks being slow growth rates of a few hundred nm/h and narrow adsorption-controlled growth windows. One method to increase the growth rate is the technique of suboxide MBE, which allows growth of β-Ga2O3thin films at rates exceeding 1 μm/h with large adsorption-controlled growth regimes. We show that suboxide MBE can be used for the epitaxial growth of high quality α-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 thin films on A plane sapphire substrates over the full range of x at greater than 1 μm/h. For our study, gallium suboxide, Ga2O, and elemental Al are the MBE sources. The oxidant is 80% distilled ozone which is held at constant pressure (5 x 10-6 Torr) while the Ga2O and Al fluxes are varied to control composition. We measure the composition of our films with XRD and confirm that we cover the full range of 0 < x < 1 with vacuum ultraviolet transmittance measurements showing that the bandgaps of our films shift from α-Ga2O3to α-Al2O3. We show that the film composition can be controlled directly by the relative ratios of the Ga2O and Al fluxes. Our films have high structural quality as revealed by the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of rocking curves of the α-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 films ranging from 11 - 15 arcseconds; these FWHMs are identical to the underlying sapphire substrates. The surfaces of the films are also smooth with RMS roughnesses measured by atomic force microscopy ranging from 0.3 - 1.1 nm on α-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 films with thicknesses in the 17.8 - 47.8 nm range. We also show our progress with growing α-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 films over 100 nm thick and with doping our films. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
9:30 AM |
NM-MoM1-8 Electrostatic Gating of SrSnO3 Thin Films with Improved Mobilities
Zhifei Yang, Fengdeng Liu, Tristan Truttmann, Bharat Jalan (University of Minnesota, USA) Ultra-wide-bandgap (UWBG) semiconducting oxides are becoming more crucial in sustainable technologies due to their promising use in applications including transparent electronics and power switching. Among them, alkaline earth stannates such as SrSnO3 with the perovskite crystal structure have gained much interest in recent years. However, the room-temperature mobility of SrSnO3 thin films has been shown to be limited by defective surface scattering. By using a 4 nm undoped SrSnO3 capping layer on 19 nm La-doped SrSnO3 thin film, the measured room temperature mobility has been shown to improve. In this structure, charge spill over from the doped layer to the undoped layer is expected to happen as Fermi levels equilibrate. Here, we demonstrate a reversible and electrostatic doping of SrSnO3 thin films grown by Hybrid molecular beam epitaxy with tunable carrier densities using electric-double-layer transistor (EDLT) configuration with ion gels. Using modeling and a discrete two-channel model, we show that the modulation due to gating is confined within 4 nm at the top capping layer and the modulation leads to an increase of mobility in SrSnO3 up to 130 cm2V-1s-1 at 250 K. A detailed growth study combined with temperature-dependent Hall effect measurements and transport analysis will be presented. |