MIOMD - XVI 2023 Session MIOMD-WeM1: Plenary Lecture & Applications of Mid-Infrared
Session Abstract Book
(263 KB, Aug 7, 2023)
Time Period WeM Sessions
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| MIOMD - XVI 2023 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
8:30 AM | Invited |
MIOMD-WeM1-2 Plenary Lecture: Coherent Control of Quantum Cascade Laser Frequency Combs via Optical- and RF-Injection
Gerard Wysocki (Princeton University) Quantum cascade laser (QCL) frequency combs are compact, all-electrically driven, broadband semiconductor laser sources operating in the mid-infrared spectral region that give access to fundamental vibrational bands of many molecular species of environmental and industrial importance. These lasers are being extensively used to perform dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) and sensitive molecular sensing with high temporal resolution. However, unlike the metrological-grade frequency combs based on mode-locked lasers, freerunning QCL-combs are susceptible to intrinsic phase and intensity noise, which makes applications to high-resolution spectroscopy relatively difficult. In this talk I will discuss techniques utilizing external cavity optical feedback injection as well radio-frequency (RF) electrical signal injection to achieve improved comb coherence for dual-com spectroscopy, as well as generate higher-order harmonic QCL comb-states with improved coherence and broader optical bandwidth. Experimental results demonstrating independent control of primary comb parameters (offset frequency , f0, and repetition rate frequency, frep) via opticaland RF-injection, resulting in MHz-level frequency control and gapless DCS tuning, will be discussed in details. + Author for correspondence: gwysocki@princeton.edu
View Supplemental Document (pdf)
9:10 AM | Invited |
MIOMD-WeM1-6 Compact QCL-Based Coherent Lidar in the Mid-Infrared
Bruno Martin (Thales / Laboratoire de physique de l'Ecole normale supérieure); Patrick Feneyrou (Thales research and technology); Nicolas Berthou (Thales SIX); Djamal Gacemi (Laboratoire de physique de l'Ecole normale supérieure); Aude Martin (Thales Research and Technology); Carlo Sirtori (Laboratoire de physique de l'Ecole normale supérieure) Frequency-modulated continuous-wave light detection and ranging (FMCW LiDAR) is a technique for fast and precise measurements of distances and speeds of hard and diffuse targets. Moreover, the effects of feedback reinjection on the laser parameters, such as the optical power, wavelength or voltage can be utilized for numerous sensing applications. We show the first experimental demonstration of a FMCW LiDAR in the mid-infrared, based on a novel self-mixing interferometry technique and compare it with a conventional mid-infrared FMCW system. Thanks to an injection current predistortion technique, high-speed and precise linear optical frequency modulation (LFM) up to 8 GHz in 1µs with less than 1% error to linearity is achieved, allowing a greater FMCW signal-to-noise ratio. One part of the beam (> 90%) is sent to a target in order to perform distance & speed measurement. In the absence of optical isolation, a part of the reflected light will come back inside the laser cavity, interfering with the intracavity field. The changes induced simultaneously on the optical power and frequency are monitored on a photodiode at the output of the interferometer. More specifically, the measurement of the periodic perturbation on the LFM allows for speed and distance measurement, without adding any new components to the LFM system. Taking advantages of intrinsic high-speed dynamics of mid-infrared unipolar sources and detectors, we achieved kHz-rate sub-cm precision measurement of low-reflective targets at distances up to 25 m. Such results pave the way to systems more robust against meteorological perturbations and with an improved discreetness. Moreover, the overall compactness and robustness of the optical setup constitute a leap toward the development of mid-infrared quantum optoelectronic devices and their integration into components. |
9:40 AM |
MIOMD-WeM1-9 A Markov Chain Approach for Modeling Polarized Infrared Radiative Transfer in Optically Anisotropic Media
Feng Xu (University of Oklahoma); William Reed Espinosa (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center); Olga Kalashnikova, Anthony Davis, David Diner, Michael Garay (Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA/JPL)); Jie Gong (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center); Benting Chen, Lan Gao, Jens Redemann (University of Oklahoma); Zhao-Cheng Zeng (California Institute of Technology) The polarization state of atmospheric radiation contains abundant information about aerosol and cloud particle properties. To assist in the combined use of reflected and emitted radiation for dust and cloud remote sensing, we developed a Markov chain approach to model polarized infrared radiative transfer in an optically isotropic or anisotropic medium (e.g. Earth atmosphere). A multi-steam scheme is adopted to resolve the angular dependence of total radiance and polarized radiance. Our model accounts for atmospheric emission, scattering, and absorption, as well as directional surface emission and reflection. Non-spherical particles with random and preferred orientations are considered. Simulation is performed for three reference Earth atmospheres (mid-latitude summer, sub-arctic winter, and tropical) which contains dust particles, water droplets, and ice particles of preferred or random orientations. These reference atmospheres overly an ocean or a land surface which contributes both surface emission and reflection. The numerical simulation shows a) remarkable impact of particle orientations, non-sphericities, and the linear and circular polarization components of infrared extinction matrix on the infrared polarimetric signals. By contrast, the infrared radiances are much less impacted. View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
10:00 AM | Break |