ICMCTF 2023 Session B2-MoA: CVD Coatings and Technologies
Session Abstract Book
(285 KB, Apr 25, 2023)
Time Period MoA Sessions
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| ICMCTF 2023 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
1:40 PM | Invited |
B2-MoA-1 Si and SiC-based CVD Coatings for High Temperature Structural Applications
Axel Le Doze, Patxi Drieux (Laboratoire des Composites Thermostructuraux - CNRS); Sylvain Jacques (Laboratoire de Composites Thermostructuraux - CNRS); Guillaume Couégnat, Georges Chollon (Laboratoire des Composites Thermostructuraux - CNRS) Thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is well suited to produce high-purity, high-crystallinity films compatible with high temperature structural applications. A good example of such structural coatings is the silicon carbide matrix of ceramic matrix composites (CMCs). However, in SiC/SiC composites, the role of the matrix in the overall mechanical behavior appears to be minor compared to that of the fibers or the interphase.Yet, intrinsically, the CVD coating can exhibit all these qualities. The key is to adjust the process parameters to obtain an appropriate composition and microstructure. The evaluation of the mechanical properties of the coating itself must also be performed using specific tests. These two aspects will be developed in the presentation through two examples. The first one is a high-strength, gas-tight CVD SiC sheath, to complete the composite structure of a nuclear fuel claddings. Long, free standing SiC tubes were prepared at atmospheric pressure using CH3SiHCl2/C3H6/H2 mixtures, in a fast, original, and near net shape process. Sliding the heating system along the tubular substrate allowed the continuous deposition of long and thick CVD SiC sheaths. Their composition, microstructure and surface morphology were analyzed in details. C-ring specimens were cut from the tubes and submitted to high temperature compressive tests. The deposition rate, Si/C atomic ratio, crystalline state and surface roughness of the CVD-SiC tubes are related to the gas phase reactions. Their thermomechanical properties can be improved by adjusting the through-thickness composition gradient using a proper precursor mixture. The second example is a CVD silicon coating used as the bond coat (BC) of an environmental barrier coating on a CMC. In use, the BC may oxidize, which can cause local stresses and eventually damages. Centrifugal loads can also generate some creep deformation of the rotating parts. It is thus crucial to control the creep behavior of the BC, and hence its microstructure, through the CVD process. The deposition of polycrystalline silicon from SiHCl3/H2 was explored and a selection of coatings were prepared on fine carbon fiber substrates for testing. The morphology and microstructure of the deposits were investigated by SEM and EBSD, and the creep properties by 3-point bending. Several microstructures were obtained by various combinations of CVD conditions and thermal annealing. Different responses of the silicon coatings to mechanical stresses have been measured, illustrating different deformation mechanisms. |
2:20 PM |
B2-MoA-3 Influence of Bilayer Periodicity on Microstructure, Residual Stress and Mechanical Properties of CVD TiN/TiB2 Multilayer Coatings
Michael Tkadletz (Montanuniversität Leoben); Alexandra Lechner, Bernhard Sartory (Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH); Christoph Czettl (CERATIZIT Austria GmbH, Austria); Nina Schalk (Montanuniversität Leoben) Chemical vapor deposited (CVD) TiN and TiB2 are quite different materials, but both are frequently utilized as wear resistant hard coatings. CVD TiN exhibits a comparatively large grain size in the µm range, tensile residual stress and a moderate hardness. CVD TiB2 in contrast is usually characterized by a nanocrystalline microstructure and high compressive residual stress accompanied by a high hardness. In order to investigate the interaction of such different materials, CVD TiN and TiB2 were combined in two multilayer coatings with different bilayer periodicities of ~100 and ~200 nm. Subsequently, the influence of the multilayer architecture on the evolving microstructure and grain size was investigated by means of scanning transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and transmission Kikuchi diffraction. X-ray diffraction provided insight into the phase composition and evolution of residual stress state and magnitude of the individual layers. In addition, to clarify whether B diffusion between the different layers takes place during deposition, atom probe tomography was applied to the multilayer coating with lower bilayer periodicity. The microstructural and chemical investigations were accompanied by cross-sectional hardness mappings via nanoindentation with high lateral resolution and micromechanical bending tests. The study was complemented by experiments on reference single layers of both materials which allow a thorough conclusion about the effects and changes provoked by the implemented multilayer architecture at different length scales. |
2:40 PM |
B2-MoA-4 Effect of the Substrate Treatment on the Microstructure of CVD Ti(C,N)/Al2O3 Hard Coatings
Christiane Wächtler, Christina Wüstefeld (TU Bergakademie Freiberg); Michal Šíma, Jan Pikner (Dormer Pramet); David Rafaja (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) Although the use of protective Ti(C,N)/Al2O3 coatings produced by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) on cemented carbide (WC-Co) substrates is the state of the art in the high-speed metal cutting, the effect of the substrate treatment on the microstructure and properties of such coatings is not fully understood yet. In this contribution, the role of the size of the tungsten carbide grains (1.9 µm and 0.7 µm, respectively) and the substrate treatment (as-sintered, wet blasted, ground or polished) was systematically investigated for a constant amount of the cobalt binder (10 wt.%) in the cemented carbide. The hard coatings with different architectures, i.e., the TiC0.6N0.4 monolayers and complete TiC0.6N0.4/Al2O3 stacks, were deposited using the same parameters of the CVD process. The microstructure analyses carried out using scanning electron microscopy with electron backscatter diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, laboratory X-ray diffraction and nanobeam synchrotron diffraction revealed that the kind of the substrate treatment strongly influences the preferred orientation and the lateral size of the grains in the coatings, as well as the residual stress in both phases (fcc-Ti(C,N) and α-Al2O3). Finally, the adhesion of the coatings to the substrate was quantified using scratch tests. The strongest preferred orientation of crystallites, which was {211} in fcc-Ti(C,N) and {001} in α-Al2O3, developed in coatings with consistently narrow grains. The texture was always weakened, when coarse Ti(C,N) and/or Al2O3 grains grew in the coatings in addition to the narrow grains. The dependence of the texture degree and the grain size on the substrate treatment was also observed for the α-Al2O3 layer, although the bonding layer between fcc-Ti(C,N) and α-Al2O3 consisted of very small crystallites having no pronounced preferred orientation. The comparison of the single-layer Ti(C,N) coatings with the Ti(C,N)/Al2O3 stacks helped us to understand the effect of the additional thermal exposure of the samples during the Al2O3 deposition on the microstructure of the Ti(C,N) layer. The results of this study emphasize that the surface condition of cemented carbide substrates needs to be considered as it has a clear impact on the microstructure formation of the Ti(C,N)/Al2O3 coatings produced in CVD processes. |
3:00 PM |
B2-MoA-5 Novel ZrB2 and HfB2 Metaldiboride Coatings by LPCVD
Mandy Höhn, Mario Krug, Björn Matthey (Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS) The synthesis of metal diboride thin films is recently attracting large interest. Boron forms binary compounds with most metals.These materials in general are high-melting, extremely hard solids with high degrees of thermal stability and chemical inertness. In this work the preparation of metal diboride coatings of ZrB2 and HfB2 by CVD is described. A LPCVD process using MeCl4 (Me = Zr or Hf), BCl3, H2 and Ar is applied. At deposition temperatures between 800°C and 1000°C diboride layers were prepared. The coatings were characterized with respect to phase composition, crystal structure, hardness and wear behaviour. The deposited diboride layers show well defined crystallites with a high hardness up to 32 GPa for ZrB2 and 38 GPa for HfB2. In dependence of substrate temperature and precursor ratio layers with different textured crystalline structure were obtained with different deposition rates. Phase composition and structure were examined using SEM and EDX-analysis. The measured tensile stress in the obtained coatings depends on the deposition conditions and varies between 350 MPa and 600 MPa. A strong adherence on hardmetal inserts is achieved by using a thin TiN bonding layer prior the diboride deposition. Scratch test measurements showed critical loads of about 90 N. In wear tests a high performance of the CVD diboride coatings was observed. HfB2 coated inserts showed a higher lifetime in comparison with state-of-the-art CVD- and PVD-TiB2 coatings in face-milling TiAl6V4. |
3:20 PM |
B2-MoA-6 Diamond Coatings on Cutting Tools Applied to Super-Hard Workpiece Materials
Michael Woda (CemeCon AG); Javier A. Oyanedel Fuentes (Hufschmied Zerspanungssysteme GmbH); Werner Puetz, Marvin Wegh, Christoph Schiffers, Stephan Bolz, Oliver Lemmer (CemeCon AG) Thin film Diamond as pure sp3 bonded crystalline carbon is able to significantly improve cutting tool wear performance. Diamond coatings are typically deposited by the means of hot filament CVD processes on an industrial scale nowadays. The basic principle of the corresponding deposition technology and its resulting diamond coating properties are introduced in this presentation. When applying these diamond thin films to cutting tools containing a cemented carbide substrate and possessing complex geometries, the machining of a large set of highly abrasive work piece materials can be enabled. These materials include Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP), Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC), zirconium oxide ceramics, hypereutectic aluminum silicon alloys, graphite or even cemented carbide. This work presents some of the latest results of selected case studies revealing the benefits of CVD diamond coatings at cutting operations on these very challenging and super-hard work piece materials. |