ICMCTF 2022 Session E3-TuM: Coatings for Automotive and Aerospace Applications
Session Abstract Book
(271 KB, May 12, 2022)
Time Period TuM Sessions
Abstract Timeline
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| ICMCTF 2022 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
8:40 AM |
E3-TuM-3 Thermomechanical Stability of Hard DLC Coatings Produced by HiPIMS-DOMS
João Carlos Oliveira, Alireza Vahidi, Fábio Ferreira, Ricardo Serra, Albano Cavaleiro (University of Coimbra) DLC films are very resistant to abrasive and adhesive wear making them suitable for applications that experience extreme contact pressure. For this reason, they are one of the most promising solutions for application in piston´s rings of internal combustion engine (ICE). However, recent trends in the automotive industry, such as reduced engine sizes and turbocharging, require higher operating temperatures and loads, which the classical DLC films deposited by magnetron sputtering cannot withstand. High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS) has been actively investigated for hard DLC deposition. In HiPIMS, a large fraction of sputtered atoms is ionized, thanks to 2–3 orders of magnitude higher plasma densities than in classical magnetron sputtering. However, in the standard HiPIMS process based on Ar, the ionized fraction of C is very low (few percent), due to the low carbon ionization cross section by electron impact. In previous work, the authors have shown that adding Ne to the plasma up to 50 % results in the deposition of denser and smoother DLC films, with improved tribological properties and increased hardness. In this work, the thermal stability of DLC films deposited in Ar-Ne discharge gas by Deep Oscillation Magnetron Sputtering (DOMS), a variant of HiPIMS, was investigated. In a first step, the thermal stability of the films by annealing up to 700 ºC in a protective atmosphere. The structure of the DLC films deposited without Ne in the discharge gas was stable up to 500 ºC, while clear signs of graphitization were detected at higher temperatures by Raman spectroscopy. The stability of the film up to 500 ºC was confirm by pin-on-disk tests and nanoindentation at room temperature after annealing. The structure of the DLC films deposited with Ne in the discharge gas was stable up to annealing at 700 ºC as shown by Raman spectroscopy. However, the hardness of the films decreases from 25 to 20 GPa upon annealing at 700ºC, while the specific wear rate increases from 0.5 to 1.25 x 10-16 m3/Nm. The thermal stability of the DLC films was also characterized by pin-on-disk tests at high temperature. The coatings were tested up to 400 ºC in ambient atmosphere. Adding Ne to the deposition plasma resulted in an increased thermal stability by 50 ºC for the film deposited with a mixed Ne + Ar discharge gas. |
9:00 AM |
E3-TuM-4 Static and Dynamic Friction Assessment Using Novel High Temperature Tribometer
Marwan Azzi (Polytechnique Montreal); Elie Bitar-Nehme (Tricomat inc); Jolanta Sapieha (Polytechnique Montreal); ludvik Martinu (Polytechnique Montréal) Tribology in extreme environments has recently gained significant interest in the aerospace and energy generation communities, largely due to the increased demand for development of durable and more efficient engineering components with an increased performance beyond the current limits. For instance, the next generation gas turbine engines are required to reduce fuel consumption and pollution emission by significant amount which requires a step change in the design and operating environment of the mechanical systems (e.g. higher temperature and contact pressure). In the present work, a novel experimental test rig has been developed to rigorously investigate the evolution of the static and dynamic friction as well as the wear resistance of a tribological contact exposed to high temperatures (HT) for long period of time. Pin-on-Flat configuration has been adopted in the design with the flat sample being mounted in a furnace that heats up to 800oC. Here, we present an approach to assess static and dynamic friction, and we illustrate it by the results obtained on several materials including stainless steel and Inconel substrates with TiN- and CrN-based vacuum coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering. The measurements showed that a number of sliding cycles is necessary to reach a stable static and dynamic coefficient of friction (CoF). These sliding cycles could be performed uni-directionally or bi-directionally with no effect on the steady-state value of CoF. In addition, it was found that the HT exposure time with closed and stationary tribological contact increases significantly the static CoF which might be related to processes such as diffusion that take place at the interface. The HT tribological testing combined with detailed microstructural characterization of the wear scar (SEM, EDS and Raman spectroscopy) allowed to determine the friction and wear mechanisms. The oxide layer formed at HT was found to play a crucial role in the evolution of HT static friction. |
9:20 AM | Invited |
E3-TuM-5 Study of the a-C:H Coating Wear Behaviour in Boundary Lubricated Tribological Contacts Using Raman-Based Profilometry (Virtual Presentation)
Ardian Morina (University of Leeds); Nan Xu (University of Leeds, UK ) While for ferrous boundary lubricated tribological systems, it is relatively well established that the tribofilms formed from lubricant additives determine friction and wear performance, the effect of lubricant additives on DLC coating wear performance and mechanisms is still not clear. The ability to quantify coating thickness as a function of testing time has the potential to provide new insights on the correlation between tribofilm formation and coating wear, enabling improved lubricant and coating designs. In this paper, the development of a novel method for measuring coating thickness at the nanoscale level, with the potential to be used for in-situ wear measurement during the test, will be reported.The method is based on using a Raman-active coating underlayer as a sensor of the coating thickness.In this approach, the a-C:H coating is considered a light attenuating layer of the silicon underlayer. The method has been used to study the a-C:H coating wear rate from dry and a boundary lubricated system using molybdenum dialkyldithiocarbamate (MoDTC) additive. A two-stage wear progression mechanism has been proposed for the first time to clarify the detrimental effect of MoDTC-derived tribofilm on a-C:H wear by combining detailed structure and composition analysis. The results have also been supported by post-test Raman spectroscopy, optical profilometer, EELS and TEM analysis. Keywords: wear measurement, coating, additives, Raman, solid-liquid lubricating |