ICMCTF 2022 Session B1-1-ThM: PVD Coatings and Technologies I
Session Abstract Book
(300 KB, May 12, 2022)
Time Period ThM Sessions
Abstract Timeline
| Topic B Sessions
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| Topics
| ICMCTF 2022 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
8:00 AM |
B1-1-ThM-1 Coater-Scale Simulation of TiAlN Reactive Sputtering Validated Against Spatially-Resolved Experimental Data
Martin Kubečka, Petr Zikán (PlasmaSolve); Pavel Moskovkin, Emile Haye, Stéphane Lucas (Laboratoire d’Analyse par Réactions Nucléaires (LARN), Namur Institute of Structured Matter (NISM), University of Namur); Adam Obrusník (PlasmaSolve) 3D simulation of the DC reactive magnetron sputtering process at an industrial scale with multiple cathodes and several sputtered elements gives us an opportunity to predict the reactive gas distribution, target poisoning, and reactive gas depletion. This model is therefore capable of e.g. optimizing coating stoichiometry, coating zone length, or designing the position of the reactive gas inlets. This is achieved at a relatively low computational cost (about 1000 core-hours and 24 hours real-time). The uniqueness and the high computational efficiency of the model are based on its multistep approach, where the reactive gas timescales. plasma dynamics timescales and the metal vapor transport timescales are solved separately. The results of the predictive model are validated against experimentally measured hysteresis curves. The coating composition is quantified using XPS, deposition rates at various substrate positions are quantified using QCM measurements. It is demonstrated that the simulation provides accurate ab-inito predictions of both the absolute deposition rate and the stoichiometry of the coating. The simulation of the process is complemented by a kinetic Monte-Carlo simulation of film growth. The film growth simulations are compared against SEM imaging of the film, showing overall agreement. |
8:20 AM |
B1-1-ThM-2 Optimization of RF Magnetron Sputter Deposition of Ultrathick Boron Carbide Coatings
Alison Engwall (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory); John Bae (General Atomics); Leonardus Bimo Bayu Aji, Swanee Shin, Paul Mirkarimi, Sergei Kucheyev (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Boron carbide is a material of interest as an ablative layer for inertial confinement fusion (ICF) applications due to its robust physical properties and uniform amorphous structure. However, growing boron carbide films to thicknesses of >50 μm, as needed for ICF, presents many challenges. Our approach to the optimization of two main process parameters (the target-to-substrate distance and Ar gas pressure) for the deposition of boron carbide coatings by RF magnetron sputtering is based on a combination of film characterization, plasma diagnostics, and modeling. Monte Carlo simulations of ballistic sputtering and gas-phase atomic transport are benchmarked by selected measurements of the deposition rate, residual film stress, and plasma parameters monitored with an electrostatic probe. We describe results of this study of parameter space and ultimately demonstrate the deposition of >50 μm-thick boron carbide coatings with close-to-zero residual stress. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. DOE by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. |
8:40 AM | Invited |
B1-1-ThM-3 Hybrid Technologies for Wear Protective Coatings With Adaptive Behavior
Andrey Voevodin (University of North Texas) Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) technologies offer a suite of methods for surface engineering, where the broad range controls of the deposited flux chemical composition, density, ionization state and energy allow for the growth of wear reducing materials with complex compositions and structures tailored for an adaptive behavior in variable environments and temperatures.For example, the hybridization of magnetron sputtering and pulsed laser deposition had led possibility to embed transition metal dichalcogenides into hard ceramic matrices which had open a range of adaptive coating capable to operate over the broad range of environment humidity and temperature by self-changing the contact surface chemistry and structure in response to the environment change. The hybrid processes for the formation of adaptive wear protective coatings were further expanded to include combinations of PVD methods with other methods, e.g. laser texturing and electro-spark deposition, had led to additional avenues for realization of robust wear protective coatings with adaptive behavior to operate under high contact loads and speeds.The presentation reviews developments of adaptive wear protective coatings produced with hybrid PVD methods and places perspectives for future opportunities. |
9:20 AM |
B1-1-ThM-5 Cylindrical Magnetron Deposition of TiAlN Coatings with HiPIMS
Veronika Simova, Oleg Zabeida, Luis Bernardo Varela Jimenez, Jincheng Qian, Jolanta-Ewa Klemberg-Sapieha, Ludvik Martinu (Polytechnique Montréal) Rotating cylindrical magnetrons have several important benefits in comparison with widely used planar magnetrons, making them interesting for large-scale industrial applications. Due to their rotation, target erosion is uniform that results in a much higher target utilization (70% or more) and a high stability during reactive sputtering processes. Moreover, better cooling efficiency allows one to use higher power densities and, consequently, higher deposition rates can be achieved. This makes cylindrical magnetron sputtering (CMS) well adapted for HiPIMS. In the present work, we investigated the use of CMS for the fabrication of Ti0.5Al0.5N as a model hard coating extensively used for the protection against harsh environments such as those seen in aerospace and manufacturing. We studied the effect of pulsed-DC and HiPIMS deposition conditions (frequency of 0.91 kHz, duty cycle of 91% and 9.1%, respectively) on the microstructure, mechanical properties, residual stress and stress depth profiles. In addition, in situ real-time plasma monitoring by optical emission spectroscopy (OES) was applied for the study of the process and of the film growth conditions. By applying the substrate bias, the coating hardness increased from 20 GPa (no bias) up to 30 GPa for a bias of -60 V without any additional heating. This increase in hardness is in good correlation with the increase in compressive stress from -0.9 GPa to -5.5 GPa and corresponding decrease in the grain size (from 16 nm to 9 nm). The stress depth profiles clearly show a steep gradient in compressive stress increasing from the substrate interface towards to the coating surface. Substrate heating results in further enhancement of the mechanical properties, accompanied by a considerably lower compressive stress and its gradient. Consequently, when combining substrate heating with substrate biasing, hard TiAlN coatings with even lower compressive stress can be produced (-2.3 GPa). The results clearly show that the substrate bias and heating can effectively be used to tune the mechanical properties and residual stress and stress depth profiles of TiAlN coatings. |
9:40 AM |
B1-1-ThM-6 Development of VC-based Early Transition Metal Carbide Superlattices via Compound Target Magnetron Sputtering
Barbara Schmid, Nikola Koutná, Rainer Hahn, Julian Buchinger (TU Wien, Institute of Materials Science and Technology); Szilard Kolozsvari (Plansee Composite Materials); Eduardo Pitthan Filho, Daniel Primetzhofer (Uppsala University); Paul Heinz Mayrhofer (TU Wien, Institute of Materials Science and Technology) Transition metal carbides are known to feature high thermal and mechanic stability as well as high melting points, sometimes above 3500 K, and can be regarded as ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTC). The huge downsides to those materials is the high inherent brittleness. Superlattice architecture describes the alternation of coherently grown nanolayers of two or more materials. By creating such superlattices, optical, magnetic, electronic, tribological, or mechanical properties can be influenced. The hardness but also the toughness of superlattice materials can be significantly higher than their monolithically grown components. Therefore, we developed superlattice structures of selected transition metal carbides combined with VC as well as performed bilayer period variations between 2 and 50 nm. The selected carbide combinations are based on density functional theory simulations, which revealed VC containing films as most promising candidates to have an improved toughness behavior due to the superlattice structure. All coatings are developed via DC magnetron sputtering using the respective ceramic targets. Their characterization includes X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, elastic recoil detection analysis, nanoindentation and in-situ micromechanical investigations. |
10:20 AM |
B1-1-ThM-8 Sputter-Deposited Zr-Cu Thin Film Metallic Glasses: Microstructure and Properties Control of as-Deposited Films and Impact of Ultra-Short Pulsed Laser Irradiation Treatments on the Film's Structure
Alejandro Borroto (Institut Jean Lamour - Université de Lorraine, France); Mathilde Prudent (Laboratoire Hubert Curien - Université de Lyon); Stéphanie Bruyère (Institut Jean Lamour - Université de Lorraine, France); Florent Bourquard (Laboratoire Hubert Curien - Université de Lyon); David Pilloud, David Horwat (Institut Jean Lamour - Université de Lorraine, France); Marie-Alix Leroy (IREIS, Groupe HEF); Philippe Steyer (MATEIS, INSA Lyon, Université de Lyon); Jean-Philippe Colombier, Florence Garrelie (Laboratoire Hubert Curien - Université de Lyon); Jean-Francois Pierson (Institut Jean Lamour - Université de Lorraine, France) Owing to their amorphous structure, metallic glasses (MGs) have emerged as a new class of materials with remarkable properties compared with their crystalline counterpart. Using physical vapor deposition methods such as sputtering, MGs can be prepared in the form of thin film metallic glasses (TFMGs). Thus, the microstructural control inherent to the sputtering process can be exploited to tailor the properties of TFMGs. Meanwhile, laser irradiation is a well-established technique for surface functionalization, allowing the generation of ripples known as laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS).However, a lack exists on the laser-induced surface functionalization of MGs, most of the studies are focused on the laser irradiation-crystalline material interaction. Here, sputter-deposited Zr-Cu thin films, largely known for their good glass forming ability, are used as a model system and studied over a wide range of compositions. Our results are divided into two parts. First, we report on the influence that the energy of the sputtered atoms arriving at the substrate (controlled here through the deposition pressure) has on the structure, microstructure, and properties of the deposited films. We demonstrate that by increasing the deposition pressure, a composition-dependent transition from a denser to a columnar microstructure occurs. This microstructural transition directly affects the residual stress state as well as the electrical and optical properties of the deposited TFMGs. In particular, we show that there is a threshold in the deposition pressure below which the resistivity of the films remains constant. Second, we report on the laser-induced structural changes occurring at the surface and near-surface in Zr-Cu thin film metallic glasses. Hence, we study the influence that the alloy composition has on the crystallization process induced by laser irradiation. Transmission electron microscopy is used to study the evolution of the film's structure, microstructure, and composition after laser irradiation. In particular, we demonstrated the feasibility of laser treatment to obtain periodic surface structures of different geometries in TFMGs. Our results shed new light on the laser-amorphous material interaction process, opening a new avenue for future applications. |