ICMCTF2001 Hard Coatings and Vapor Deposition Technology Sessions

Topics | Time Periods | Schedule Overview

Click a Session Code to view its Abstracts
Session Code Start Session Name
B1-1- Monday, April 30, 2001 10:30 AM Sputtering Technique and Methodology
B1-2- Monday, April 30, 2001 1:30 PM Sputtering Technique and Methodology
B3-1- Tuesday, May 1, 2001 8:30 AM Synthesis/Structure Relationship in Nano Structured Films
B3-2- Tuesday, May 1, 2001 1:30 PM Structure/Properties Characterization of Hard Films
B2-1- Wednesday, May 2, 2001 8:30 AM CVD Hard Coatings and Technologies
B6-1- Wednesday, May 2, 2001 8:30 AM Laser Assisted Deposition
B1-3- Wednesday, May 2, 2001 1:30 PM Arc Technologies
BP-1- Wednesday, May 2, 2001 5:00 PM Symposium B Poster Session
B5-1- Thursday, May 3, 2001 8:30 AM Hard Surfaces and Ion Beam Technologies
B4-1- Thursday, May 3, 2001 1:30 PM Emerging Technologies & Critical Issues in Vapor Deposition
B7-1- Friday, May 4, 2001 8:30 AM Plasma Assisted CVD, Thermochemical Treatments and Duplex Technology
Topics | Time Periods | Schedule Overview