AVS 70 Session AP1+EM+PS+TF-MoA: Area Selective Deposition (ASD) II

Monday, November 4, 2024 2:30 PM in Room 116
Monday Afternoon

Session Abstract Book
(265 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
Time Period MoA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic AP Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 70 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
2:30 PM Invited AP1+EM+PS+TF-MoA-5 Area Selective Deposition: Advances, Challenges and Future Technology Enablement
Kandabara Tapily, Jeffrey Smith, Anton deVilliers, Gert Leusink (TEL Technology Center, America, LLC)

K. Tapily, J. Smith, A. deVilliers, G. Leusink

TEL Technology Center, America, LLC, 255 Fuller Road, suite 214, Albany, NY 12203

To achieve higher performance, higher density, and lower cost, for decades the semiconductor industry has relied on aggressive scaling of the device feature size using top-down lithography. Additionally, scaling is driving the need for new materials introduction, new processes and new device architectures increasing the integration complexity. As a result, the industry has introduced several scaling boosters such as high k / metal gate, stress engineering, air gaps and recently area selective deposition to meet the power performance area cost or PPAC requirement.

Advanced device architectures such as gate-all-around (GAA) and complimentary field-effective transistors (CFET) require additional design / technology co-optimized (DTCO) solutions to continue the device scaling roadmap.Selective deposition of materials is fundamental not only for the reduced cost and complexity of manufacturing these advanced devices, but also as fundamental solutions to promote power / performance / CPP scaling of these advanced device architectures.

Surface engineering iskey in successfully realizing defect free area selective deposition. Surface sensitive and reaction driven processes such atomic layer processes (deposition and etch) will be key enabler in some of the required selective deposition processes (1).

This talk will discuss the status and approaches of area selective deposition technology and challenges the industry is facing in implementing future technology nodes. We will go over multiple examples of how novel selective deposition processes can accelerate the industry roadmap in terms of PPAC scaling.


1. G. N Parsons, R. D Clark, Chem. Mater., 32(12), 4920 (2020).

3:00 PM AP1+EM+PS+TF-MoA-7 Examining UV-Induced Functional Group Formation on 2D Nanomaterials for Patterned ALD
Azeez O. Musa, Andreas Werbrouck, Nikhila C. Paranamana, Matthew R. Maschmann, Matthias J. Young (University of Missouri-Columbia)
In our previous work, we employed a focused electron beam (e-beam) within an environmental scanning electron microscope (eSEM) to break down water vapor, allowing for the precise creation of hydroxylated patterns on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surfaces. These patterns facilitated subsequent atomic layer deposition (ALD) in patterned areas, offering exceptional control over spatial resolution (exceeding 42 nm), and surface selectivity (ranging from 69.9% to 99.7%). However, despite its precision, the use of an e-beam is time-consuming and lacks industrial scalability due to the limited functionalization area on the substrate. In this study, we aim to explore the feasibility of patterning large areas of 2D material using UV irradiation in the presence of water vapor. Specifically, we seek to understand the impact of the direct UV ionization of water vs. ionization of water from secondary emitted electrons. Our experimental setup utilizes a custom-built hot-walled viscous-flow ALD reactor equipped with a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) source unit with a peak emitted wavelength of 160 nm. This UV source incorporates a compact deuterium lamp with a MgF2 window and UV photons are focused onto the sample using a convex MgF2 lens to enhance photon flux density. We posit that the UV irradiation induces the formation of hydroxyl defects on the HOPG surface. To verify this, we employ spectroscopy including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Raman spectroscopy (RS), assessing the formation of functional groups on 2D material surfaces. We also examine the impact of UV-functionalization on ALD nucleation and growth onto 2D materials. Our studies inform the applicability of this method for patterned thin-film deposition for semiconductor manufacturing.
3:15 PM AP1+EM+PS+TF-MoA-8 ASD of Low Temperature Cu Capping Layers for Polymers-Based 3D Technologies
Silvia Armini (IMEC Belgium); Anita Brady Boyd (Aberystwyth University); Emmanuel Chery (IMEC Belgium)

With the constant increase of complexity in integrated systems, more and more connections are required between adjacent chips. Advanced packaging technologies using heterogeneous integration rely heavily on the interconnects redistribution layer (RDL) for this routing.

The most promising option to further reduce the interconnect dimensions relies on a dual-damascene process using photo-sensitive polymers as dielectric.

Unfortunately, using a polymer as a dielectric presents serious reliability challenges as polymers are generally unable to block the diffusion of oxygen, resulting in copper oxidation even at temperatures below 200 °C. Additionally, copper oxidation is not self-limiting.

As the critical dimensions of the lines are scaled down, high rates of oxidation are therefore a major reliability concern.

Recently the possibility of protecting the copper lines from oxidation through very thin ALD layers was demonstrated. For example, HfO2 films as thin as 9 nm have been shown to effectively prevent copper oxidation during aggressive corrosion stress tests. Nevertheless, despite their minimal thickness, these dense films, deposited on the full surface of the wafer, are known to lead to mechanical stress. Ultimately, this stress can result in delamination and fracture during the next process steps.

To overcome this issue, area-selective deposition of TiO2 and Al2O3 capping layers on Cu with respect to polymers are studied and their reliability performance investigated
3:30 PM AP1+EM+PS+TF-MoA-9 SiO2 Fluorination/Passivation for Area-Selective Deposition of TiO2, ZnO, and Polymer on Metal and SiNx vs. SiO2
Jeremy Thelven, Hwan Oh, Hannah Margavio, Gregory Parsons (North Carolina State University)
Challenges related to nanoscale pattern alignment are motivating research in chemically-directed patterning by Area-Selective Deposition (ASD) for future 3D devices. Recently, we have begun to explore the growth and inhibition mechanisms of metal oxide ALD materials (Al2O3, ZnO, and TiO2) on hydroxylated and fluorinated SiO2, and hydroxylated and fluorinated silicon nitride, SiNx, The ability to selectively react and deposit on an oxide vs nitride surface is recognized as a key problem due to the wide use of SiO2 and SiNx in electronic device processing, and because of the chemical similarity of these surfaces. To explore ASD on SiNx and SiO2, we exposed blanket SiNx and SiO2 wafers to multiple doses of molybdenum hexafluoride, MoF6, at low temperature (~200°C). Based on XPS analysis, the MoF6 exposure leads to fluorination of both surfaces. Then, we performed polypyrrole (PPy) oxidative-CVD using pyrrole monomer and SbCl5 as a surface oxidant. For the oxidative CVD process, 15 seconds of CVD produced ~50 nm of deposition on receptive surfaces. We found that PPy deposited readily on SiNx surface after some nucleation delay, but on SiO2, only isolated nuclei were formed. Control experiments using SiNx and SiO2 substrates without the MoF6 exposure step showed uniform deposition on both substrates. To extend this demonstration of ASD of SiNx vs SiO2 to other materials and substrates, we tested ALD of TiO2, ZnO, and Al2O3 SiO2, SiNx and Mo metal after exposure to MoF6. We find that this selective fluorination passivation of the SiO2 surface allows for selective growth of TiO2 and ZnO on Mo vs SiO2, whereas ALD Al2O3 using TMA/H2O showed uniform, non-selective deposition. Moreover, after exposing SiO2 and SiNx to MoF6, TiO2 ALD using TiCl4/H2O deposited on SiNx after some delay, whereas a much longer delay was observed on SiO2. The mechanisms behind selectivity, and the extent of metal-fluoride exposure needed to achieve passivation is currently under investigation. Direct comparisons between metal oxide ALD nucleation on SiO2, SiNx and metal after exposure to MoF6 will give insight into mechanisms necessary to achieve high selectivity, as well as provide options for advanced multi-material ASD schemes.
Session Abstract Book
(265 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
Time Period MoA Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic AP Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 70 Schedule