AVS 70 Session PS+TF-FrM: Plasma Processes for Coatings and Thin Films 

Friday, November 8, 2024 8:15 AM in Room 124
Friday Morning

Session Abstract Book
(315KB, Jul 23, 2024)
Time Period FrM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic PS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 70 Schedule

Start Invited? Item
8:15 AM PS+TF-FrM-1 Interaction of Polycrystalline Aluminum Oxide and Sapphire Surfaces with Halogen-Containing Plasmas and Gases
Takuya Ishihara, Hidenobu Tochigi (Azbil corporation); Hojun Kang, Tomoko Ito, Kazuhiro Karahashi, Satoshi Hamaguchi (Osaka University, Japan)

In semiconductor manufacturing processes such as dry etching or chemical vapor deposition, capacitance manometers are widely used as essential vacuum pressure sensors to monitor and control the pressures of process gases. These gauges must be corrosion-resistant against process gases such as halides and their radicals generated by the plasmas. The diaphragm material of the manometer is especially important because, if its surface is altered by such corrosive gases, the sensor would send imprecise output signals possibly with the zero-point drift or pressure sensitivity shift. The errors are caused by the changes in mechanical properties of the diaphragm arising from the formation of the modified surface layer. For this reason, Ni-based alloys or polycrystalline ceramics of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) are typically used as the diaphragm material of capacitance manometers. More recent capacitance manometers employ sapphire (single crystal α-Al2O3) as their diaphragm material, which is of specific interest in this study[1]. Recent studies on the interactions of polycrystalline Al2O3 with fluorine-containing plasmas indicated the formation of aluminum fluoride layers on Al2O3 exposed to such plasmas [2-6]. In this study, ion beam experiments were performed, aiming to understand the surface modification mechanisms of Ni-based alloys and polycrystalline Al2O3 film by fluorine-containing plasmas. With the irradiation of energetic F+ and Cl+ ions, it was found that the typical etching rates of Al2O3 are about one-half of those of Ni-based alloys. It was also found that the fluorinated layers of Al2O3 were thinner than those of Ni-based alloys. In addition, surfaces of sapphire samples were exposed to xenon difluoride (XeF2) gases for 3 and 6 months. The sapphire surface was fluorinated over the first 3 months, but the depth of the fluorinated layer did not increase much after 6 months. It indicates that a diaphragm made of pre-fluorinated sapphire may be able to prevent the signal shift of the manometer used under highly corrosive conditions in semiconductor manufacturing.

[1] T. Ishihara, et al, 35th Sensor Symposium (2018)

[2] Chen Chien-Wei, et al, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A Vol.41 No.1 Page.012602-012602-9 (2023)

[3] Kim Yewon, et al, Appl. Surf. Sci. Vol.641 Page. Null (2023)

[4] Vos Martijn F. J., et al, J. Phys. Chem. C Vol.125 No.7 Page.3913-3923 (2021)

[5] Chittock Nicholas J., et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.117 No.16 Page.162107-162107-5 (2020)

[6] Fischer Andreas, et al, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A. Vol.38 No.2 Page.022603-022603-7 (2020)

8:30 AM PS+TF-FrM-2 Development of Corrosion-Resistant, Low-ICR aC and TiN Coatings Using HIPIMS for Bipolar Plate Manufacturing for Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Nicholas Connolly (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Zachary Jeckell (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign); Rajib Paul, Michael Hysick (Starfire Industries); Md. Amzad Hossain, Brian Jurczyk, David Ruzic (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Bipolar plates (BPPs) are a critical component in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) that provide conducting paths for electrons between cells, distribute and provide a barrier for reactant gases, remove waste heat, and provide stack structural integrity. Stainless steel, specifically 316L, BPPs possess high electrical and thermal conductivity, good gas impermeability, and superior mechanical properties and formability. However, stainless steel has relatively low corrosion resistance and high contact resistance in the hydrogen fuel cell stack. Additionally, to meet the Department of Energy (DOE) cost/kW target for hydrogen fuel cells, recycling of the BPPs is practically a necessity.

In order to address these challenges, we will present work on two complementary studies. The first study is deposition of conformal amorphous carbon (aC) and titanium nitride (TiN) thin films using HIPIMPS with positive cathode reversal. The interfacial contact resistance (ICR), corrosion current, and corrosion potential are reported for various aC and TiN thin films to characterize the contact resistance and corrosion resistance. The second study is etching of the previously deposited aC and TiN films in a HIPIMS system with a high-voltage cathode reversal, testing the possibility of recycling the BPP. The contact resistance and corrosion resistance are compared after the initial film deposition and then after etching of the initial film and redeposition on the same substrate.

8:45 AM PS+TF-FrM-3 Evolution of Graphene Nanoflake Size and Morphology in Atmospheric Pressure Microwave Plasma
Parker Hays, Dhruval Patel, Dren Qerimi (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Michael Stowell (LytEn); David Ruzic (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Graphene was synthesized using an atmospheric pressure microwave plasma system, employing argon/nitrogen mixtures as carrier gases and methane as the carbon precursor. This study investigates the effects of varying methane flow rates and plasma power on graphene growth, including the role of gas temperature. The process involves the decomposition and subsequent reorganization of carbon radicals into graphene sheets. To collect the synthesized graphene, tungsten carbide rods were strategically positioned at three distinct points along the plasma column.

The variations in particle diameter were systematically analyzed using Dispersive Light Scattering (DLS) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Results indicate that particle diameter generally decreases along the plasma column until reaching a critical power threshold. Beyond this threshold, the diameter increases, particularly at the middle collection port, suggesting the presence of an optimal "Goldilocks zone" for graphene growth. This zone, located at the juncture between the bulk plasma and its afterglow, exhibits a significant temperature gradient, potentially ideal for graphene formation.

Further, an increase in methane flow rate correspondingly reduced the particle diameter across all ports, attributed to enhanced plasma quenching effects. Conversely, an escalation in plasma power led to an increase in particle diameter, likely due to the extension of the plasma field.

These findings demonstrate that manipulating methane flow rates and plasma power can significantly influence graphene particle size, optimizing growth conditions within the identified Goldilocks zone. This study provides a deeper understanding of the thermodynamic and chemical mechanisms governing graphene synthesis in microwave plasma systems, offering a pathway to tailored graphene production for advanced material applications.

9:00 AM PS+TF-FrM-4 Gentle Processing of Graphene and Diamond in a Low Temperature Magnetized Plasma
Yevgeny Raitses (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory); Fang Zhao (Fermi Lab); Christian Pederson, Kai-Mei Fu (University of Washington); Arthur Dogariu (Princeton University)

In this work, we present results of the use of a low temperature plasma in applied magnetic field for graphene hydrogenation and hydrogen passivation of diamond. The chemical functionalization of two-dimensional materials is an effective method for tailoring their electronical and chemical properties with encouraging applications in energy, catalysis and electronics. Experiments on graphene hydrogenation [1] revealed that with the applied magnetic field of 10-50 Gauss, a plasma generated by a DC-RF source of non-thermal electrons at a hydrogen pressure of about 10 mtorr is capable to achieve a high (~ 36%) hydrogen coverage without damage on monolayer graphene. Plasma measurements utilizing electrostatic probes for measurements of plasma properties, optical emission spectroscopy for characterization of plasma chemical composition and two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence (TALIF) for measurements of absolute hydrogen density revealed that with the applied magnetic field, the plasma density and the density of hydrogen atoms are much larger than without the magnetic field. The latter explains a high converge observed in the treated 2D material [1]. In more recent experiments, the same plasma source was applied for hydrogen passivation of diamond for quantum defect charge state control [2]. Measurements indicate that in this novel plasma treatment hydrogen terminates the surface with no observable damage to diamond.


[1] F. Zhao, Y. Raitses, X. Yang, A.Tan, and C. G. Tully, “High hydrogen coverage on graphene via low temperature plasma” 177, 244 (2021)

[2] C. Pederson, et al., “Optical tuning of the diamond Fermi level measured by correlated scanning probe microscopy and quantum defect spectroscopy” Phys. Rev. Mater. 8, 036201 (2024)

9:15 AM PS+TF-FrM-5 A Plasma-Based Anodization Process for the Production of AlF3 Layers
Scott Walton, John Murphy (US Naval Research Laboratory); Luis Rodriguez de Marcos, Javier Del Hoyo, Manuel Quijada (NASA); Virginia Wheeler, Maria Sales, Mackenzie Meyer, David Boris (US Naval Research Laboratory)
Efficient ultraviolet (UV) mirrors are essential components in space observatories for UV astronomy. Aluminum mirrors with fluoride-based protective layers are commonly the baseline UV coating technology; these mirrors have been proven to be stable, reliable, and with a long flight heritage. However, despite their acceptable optical performance, it is still insufficient for future large telescopes in which several reflections are required. Recently, a readily scalable, plasma-based passivation process was developed to produce a thin AlF3 layer on the surface of aluminum. The passivation process uses an electron beam generated plasma produced in a fluorine-containing background (SF6 or NF3), to simultaneously remove the native oxide layer while promoting the formation of an AlF3 layer with a tunable thickness. Interestingly, this process has the characteristics of classic aluminum anodization – either electrochemical or plasma – where oxygen is replaced by fluorine. The process takes advantage of the ability for electron beam driven plasmas produced in electronegative gas backgrounds to generate substantial densities of negative ions, which are utilized to grow the fluoride layer. In this presentation, we will discuss the process using operating parameter studies, plasma diagnostics, and materials characterization, with an eye on understanding the growth mechanisms and the potential for better process control. This work partially supported by the Naval Research Laboratory base program.
9:30 AM PS+TF-FrM-6 One-Step Synthesis of Spatially Differentiated Crystalline Vanadium Oxide Coatings Using Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge
Marie Brabant, Annaelle Demaude, David Petitjean, François Reniers (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

Initially perceived as a limitation, the presence of inconsistencies in DBDs presented obstacles to achieving uniform plasma treatments and coatings. However, recent breakthroughs in immobilizing filaments within DBDs have demonstrated effective control over these irregularities.1,2 This development has now enabled the deposition of innovative patterned inorganic coatings that were previously unexplored. Vanadium oxide coatings, in particular, hold promise for diverse applications, including catalysis,3 memory compounds,4 or as practical solutions for smart windows.5

This study introduces a pioneering method for locally depositing dense crystalline inorganic coatings (V2O5) without requiring annealing and utilizing atmospheric pressure DBDs, marking a significant advancement in the field. Vanadium oxide coatings with spatial variation were successfully deposited in a single step using an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge featuring immobilized filaments. Initial findings indicate fast deposition rates beneath the filament regions and low deposition rates between them. Moreover, differences in the oxidation states of vanadium beneath the filaments and between them were also observed, suggesting different reactivities.6

Through the incorporation of a patented inductive heating device into the reactor,7,8 coupled with a pulsed signal, crystalline coatings were obtained by heating the substrate at 473 K, occasionally resulting in crystal needles measuring up to 50 μm in length. This crystallinity was confirmed by XRD analysis.

While further optimization is necessary to refine gas and reactive species distribution, this feasibility study demonstrates the potential for locally depositing crystalline coatings using a DBD with immobilized filaments and an appropriate substrate heating system, paving the way for new applications.


This work is funded by the FNRS (Belgian fund for research) under the Instream and Streamcoat projects.

References :

  1. A. Demaude, et al. Adv. Sci. 9, 2200237 (2022).
  2. A. Demaude, et al. Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 43, 1731 (2023).
  3. I. E. Wachs, Dalton Trans., 42, 11762 (2013).
  4. A. Velichko, et al. Sci. Semicond, 29 , 315–20 (2015).
  5. Y. Cui, et al. Joule, 2, 1707–46 (2018).
  6. M. Brabant, et al. JVST A, 42, 023008 (2024).
  7. A. Remy, et al. Thin Solid Films, 688, 137437 (2019).
  8. A. Remy, F. Reniers. patent EP3768048A1 (2019).
9:45 AM PS+TF-FrM-7 Biofilm Decontamination in an Endoscope-Like Setup Using a Cold Atmospheric Plasma
Juliette Zveny, François Reniers, Antoine Remy, Teo Serra (université libre de Bruxelles); Amelie Bourgeois (Erasme Hospital); Antoine Nonclercq, Dalila Lakhloufi, Anne Botteaux, Alain Delchambre (Université Libre de Bruxelles); Jacques Deviere (Erasme Hospital)

Endoscopes are essential medical devices used to detect, prevent and cure many diseases. Well-established cleaning and decontamination procedures allow them to be used safely on multiple patients every day. However, cases of cross-contamination still occur, demonstrating that the decontamination process is flawed.[1] Here, we propose a novel decontamination method using an Ar/H2O Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP).

In this research, we investigate the effect of CAP not only on bacteria, but also on biofilm.Biofilm is a matrix made by bacteria to increase their resistance to external stress.[2] Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms were grown during 24 hours in a PTFE tube mimicking the operating channel of an endoscope before being subjected to plasma treatment. The plasma was generated in a DBD setup with the high voltage applied between a metal wire passing through the contaminated tube and a metal mesh surrounding the tube.

The decontamination process consisted of a 30 min plasma in a water-saturated argon atmosphere. The chemical activity of the discharge was optimized by the presence of water, which allowed the production of hydroxyl radicals (OH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), powerful oxidant species. Other parameters, such as the voltage, made it possible to increase the concentration of these species without increasing the power.

Plasma treatments showed effective decontamination capacities, with no bacteria found in the tube after regrowth for various treatment times (5 to 30min). It also shows promising results in terms of biofilm destruction, with up to 79% of the original biofilm destroyed. The biofilm destruction is dependent on the position inside the tube as well as on its own humidity. OES measurements also highlight the voltage dependency on OH radical formation and biofilm destruction.


This work is funded by the ARC project COSMIC (ULB) and by the Cremer Foundation.

[1] A.W. Rauwers &al, Tech. Gastrointest. Endosc. 21 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tgie.2019.04.006.

[2] U. Beilenhoff &al, Endoscopy. 49 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0043-120523.

10:00 AM PS+TF-FrM-8 Nonthermal Plasma Jet Integrated Aerosol-Based 3D Printing with Machine Learning Optimization
Jinyu Yang, Yipu Du, Kaidong Song, Qiang Jiang, Yanliang Zhang, David Go (University of Notre Dame)

Aerosol-based printing has emerged as a versatile technique to fabricate functional devices with complex structures, offering high throughput and microscale resolution, along with capabilities unattainable with traditional approaches. Despite these promises, the printing of conductive films often requires post-printing sintering to remove surfactants from the nanoparticle-containing inks and promote the sintering and densification to form a continuous film with desired electrical conductivity, which conventionally demands thermal processing at elevated temperatures. Herein, we report a novel aerosol jet printing method that integrates a nonthermal, atmospheric pressure plasma jet to enable in-situ sintering during aerosol deposition. The impacts of various processing parameters on printing quality and in-situ sintering efficiency are investigated. A machine learning algorithm is incorporated to provide online, real-time defect detection and parameter control, enhancing the yield of high-quality films via automatic in-situ compensation whenever a region-specific anomaly is detected. Our method achieves low temperature sintering of silver nanoparticles with electrical conductivities comparable with those sintered through other plasma treatment approaches. Because the films require no post processing, the overall manufacturing time can be reduced by more than tenfold. This method holds significant potential for technological advances in printed electronics, wearable devices, and biomanufacturing.

10:15 AM BREAK
Session Abstract Book
(315KB, Jul 23, 2024)
Time Period FrM Sessions | Abstract Timeline | Topic PS Sessions | Time Periods | Topics | AVS 70 Schedule