AVS 70 Session 2D+EM+MI+QS-WeM: 2D Materials: Heterostructures, Twistronics, and Proximity Effects
Session Abstract Book
(306 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
Time Period WeM Sessions
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| Topic 2D Sessions
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| AVS 70 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
8:00 AM | Invited |
2D+EM+MI+QS-WeM-1 Van der Waals Semiconductors: From Stacking-Controlled Crystals to Unconventional Heterostructures
Peter Sutter, Eli Sutter (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) 2D materials have attracted broad interest due to novel properties that arise in atomically thin crystals. As interesting scientifically and important technologically, but much less explored are van der Waals (vdW) crystals that, assembled from 2D building blocks, lie between a monolayer and the bulk. In this regime, phenomena such as phase separation, transformations between crystal polymorphs, and competition between different stacking registries provide unprecedented opportunities for controlling morphology, interface formation, and novel degrees of freedom such as interlayer twist. But going beyond a single layer also poses significant challenges, both due to the diversity of the possible few-layer structures and the difficulty of probing functionality such as optoelectronics and ferroics at the relevant length scales. Here, we discuss our recent research that addresses these challenges focusing on group IVA chalcogenides, an emerging class of anisotropic layered semiconductors promising for energy conversion, optoelectronics, and information processing. Advanced in-situ microscopy provides insights into the growth process, interlayer twisting,and emerging functionality such as stacking-controlled ferroelectricity. Nanometer-scale electron excited spectroscopy identifies photonic light-matter hybrid states and reveals anisotropic and valley-selective charge carrier flows across interfaces in heterostructures. Our results highlight the rich sets of materials architectures and functionalities that can be realized in van der Waals crystals and heterostructures beyond the 2D limit. |
8:30 AM |
2D+EM+MI+QS-WeM-3 Deterministic Assembly, Transfer, and Flipping of 2D Materials Using Tunable Polymer Films
Jeffrey J. Schwartz, Son T. Le (University of Maryland, College Park); Karen E. Grutter, Aubrey T. Hanbicki, Adam L. Friedman (Laboratory for Physical Sciences) Assembly of two-dimensional (2D) materials into van der Waals heterostructures is a crucial step in creating precisely engineered nanoscale and quantum devices for use in a wide variety of spintronic, electronic, and other applications. Numerous strategies exist to pick-up, stack, transfer, and even flip over these atomically thin structures. One popular strategy leverages the ability to tune the adhesion between a polymer stamp and 2D sheets to pick-up, stack, and release structures at different temperatures. Although relatively easy to implement, this technique is tedious to perform and has a low throughput. Here, we demonstrate a significant improvement to a deterministic, all-dry, polymer-assisted transfer technique using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) thin films to manipulate 2D materials and to fabricate devices. We construct stamps from pairs of commercially available PVC films that controllably pick-up and release 2D sheets within known, overlapping temperature ranges. These mechanically durable stamps can be produced quickly and without the time-consuming preparation and annealing steps required by most other commonly used polymers. Importantly, these stamps not only facilitate deterministic transfer of 2D materials, but they also enable polymer-to-polymer transfer (e.g., between separate stamps) and flipping of material stacks to create inverted heterostructures that are important for many applications, including scanning tunneling microscopy measurements. We characterize the thermal transition properties of the PVC films employed here as well as assay the cleanliness and performance of devices produced using this technique. These improvements enable rapid production of 2D devices with fewer interactions required by the operator, which is especially significant when working in controlled environments (e.g., glovebox) or in remote or autonomously controlled contexts. |
8:45 AM |
2D+EM+MI+QS-WeM-4 Cleaning of Low-Dimensionality Materials: Challenge and Solutions
Jean-Francois de Marneffe, Pieter-Jan Wyndaele, Marina Timmermans, Carlos Cunha (IMEC, Belgium); Barbara Canto, Zhenxing Wang (AMO GmbH, Aachen); Robbe Slaets, Gaohang He, Inge Asselberghs, Cesar J. Lockhart de la Rosa, Gouri Sankar Kar, Clement Merckling, Stefan De Gendt (IMEC, Belgium) Over the last few years, significant efforts have been made in exploring low-dimensionality materials such as single layer Graphene (SLG), transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs), for a wide range of applications covering beyond CMOS logic, EUV pellicles, photonics, and sensing (amongst others). Due to their intrinsic 2D or 1D nature, these materials are highly sensitive to processing damage leading to stoichiometric changes or crystalline defects. Among the many manufacturing steps required for building devices, the cleaning of these systems is an absolute requirement and a bottleneck. Typically, during processing, residual polymers or carbon of ambient origin, do contaminate the surface leading to nanometric deposits that change the intrinsic transport/optical properties of the materials, and cause parasitic dielectric drift or high contact resistance. Wet cleaning, using organic solvents, is a mainstream approach, which proves to be inefficient for irreversibly physically adsorbed polymer residues. In this paper, we explore dry cleaning approaches, based on plasma treatment and UV cure. Plasma-based cleaning proves to be very efficient but leads to material damage, which can be minimized by tuning the average ion energy, the processing temperature, the plasma chemistry or adding a post-cleaning restoration step. For TMDCs, damage consist essentially in the creation of chalcogen vacancies, which lead to metal oxidation upon ambient exposure. For Graphene and CNTs, damage consist in carbon vacancies, causing lattice distortions, oxidation and ultimately a dramatic change of the material’s transport properties. Part of this presentation will explore the use of UV cure, which is a known method for cleaning polymers from semiconductor surfaces. |
9:30 AM |
2D+EM+MI+QS-WeM-7 Exploring Incommensurate Lattice Modulations in BSCCO van der Waals Heterostructures: Implications for Q-Bit Development
Patryk Wasik (Brookhaven National Laboratory); Shu Yang Frank Zhao (Harvard University); Rahul Jangid (Brookhaven National Laboratory); Alex Cui (Harvard University); John Sinsheimer (Brookhaven National Laboratory); Philip Kim (Harvard University); Nicola Poccia (IFW Dresden); Claudio Mazzoli (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Quantum computers (QC) are poised to revolutionise computational capabilities by naturally encoding complex quantum computations, thereby significantly improving computation time compared to silicon-based technologies. Currently, Q-bits, the essential components of QCs, are made from conventional superconductors that operate efficiently only near absolute zero temperatures. To address this limitation, two-dimensional van der Waals (vdW) encapsulated high-temperature superconductor (HTSC) stacks have been proposed as future Q-bit candidates, driven by recent advancements in nanofabrication techniques. However, a detailed understanding of their structural and electronic properties is crucial. We present low-temperature resonant soft X-ray investigations on ultrathin Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y (BSCCO) vdW heterostructures, promising candidates for large-scale Q-bit applications. BSCCO crystals exhibit two incommensurate lattice modulations (ILMs), providing an excellent opportunity to explore the relationship between structure and electronic behaviour in low dimensions. We report ILMs (Cu L3) and structural peak (off resonance) maps obtained across the superconducting transition temperature (Tc ≈ 60 K). These signals, under external gating, present significant potential for further exploration offering new insights into the electronic interactions in vdW HTSC systems. |
10:00 AM | BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall | |
11:00 AM | Invited |
2D+EM+MI+QS-WeM-13 Atomic Layer Deposition of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Precursors, Processes, and Applications Perspectives
Thong Ngo, Angelica Azcatl, Nguyen Vu, Ching-Jung Cheng, Michael Miller, Charlene Chen, Ravi Kanjolia, Mansour Moinpour, Mark Clark (EMD Electronics, USA) Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) are three-atom-thick layer materials that possess a wide array of properties, such as insulating, semiconducting, conducting, and superconducting. While there has been a significant amount of research on TMD for various applications including energy storage, photovoltaics, biomedicals, catalysis, hydrogen production processes, and healthcare, the usage of TMD for electronic applications has been researched most in the past two decades. Each layer of TMD is a 2D sheet with the thickness of ~6-7Å. These layers are bonded by Van der Waals force. The ultra-thin structure enables TMD for semiconductor industry applications, which continuously requires both size-scaling of materials layers and electrical performance improvement of devices. The semiconductor-range band gap and the high electron/hole mobility of several TMD, such as MoS2, WS2, WSe2, and MoSe2allow their usage for high mobility ultra-thin channel transistor. In addition, the relatively high conductivity of some other TMD, such as TaS2 and NbS2 make them promising candidates for interconnect barrier/liner as a replacement of TaN/Ta bilayer. TMD materials need to pass certain quality requirements to provide desirable property/performance; therefore, method of synthesizing TMD plays an important role for high quality materials. Solution-based deposition, non-vacuum electrodeposition, polymer-assisted deposition, physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and atomic layer deposition (ALD) have been used to deposit ultra-thin TMD. Among these techniques, CVD is the most popular deposition method, and to date, the highest quality of TMD for semiconductor applications is CVD-TMD. However, the need of lower thermal budget, better layer controllability, uniformity, and conformality requires the semiconductor community to explore ALD methods. In this presentation, we will review multiple ALD processes for TMD including precursors, process requirements for high mobility channel and barrier/liner applications. We will highlight challenges of TMD applications for logic, memory, and interconnects. The presentation will also feature our recent work on ALD MoS2 for high-mobility channel transistor with >5 decades On/Off ratio and >1 µA/µm Ion. Our achievement of 300mm ALD MoS2 deposition brings ultra-thin TMD materials closer to a manufacturable fab process for semiconductor industry. |
11:30 AM |
2D+EM+MI+QS-WeM-15 Writing and Detecting Topological Spin Textures in Exfoliated Fe5-xGete2
Luis Balicas (Florida State University - National High Magnetic Field Lab - FSU Quantum Initiative) Fe5-xGeTe2 is a centrosymmetric, layered van der Waals (vdW) ferromagnet that displays Curie temperatures Tc (270-330 K) that are within the useful range for spintronic applications. Little is known about the interplay between its topological spin textures (e.g., merons, skyrmions) with technologically relevant transport properties such as the topological Hall effect (THE), or topological thermal transport. We found via high-resolution Lorentz transmission electron microscopy that merons and anti-meron pairs coexist with Néel skyrmions in Fe5-xGeTe2 over a wide range of temperatures and probe their effects on thermal and electrical transport [1]. It turns out that we detect a THE, even at room T, that senses merons at higher T’s as well as their coexistence with skyrmions as T is lowered, indicating an on-demand thermally driven formation of either type of spin texture.Remarkably, we also observe an unconventional THE, i.e., in absence of Lorentz force, and attribute it to the interaction between charge carriers and magnetic field-induced chiral spin textures. We find that both the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) and THE can be amplified considerably by just adjusting the thickness of exfoliated Fe5-xGeTe2, with the THE becoming observable even under zero magnetic field due to a field-induced unbalance in topological charges [2]. Using a complementary suite of techniques, including electronic transport, Lorentz transmission electron microscopy, and micromagnetic simulations, we reveal the emergence of substantial coercive fields upon exfoliation, which are absent in the bulk, implying thickness-dependent magnetic interactions that affect the topological spin textures (TSTs). We detected a ‘magic’ thickness of t ~30 nm where the formation of TSTs is maximized, inducing large magnitudes for the topological charge density, and the concomitant AHE and THE resistivities at T ~ 120 K. Their values are observed to be higher than those found in magnetic topological insulators and, so far, the largest reported for 2D magnets. The hitherto unobserved THE under zero magnetic field could provide a platform for the writing and electrical detection of TSTs aiming at energy-efficient devices based on vdW ferromagnets. [1] B. W. Casas et al., Adv. Mater. 35, 202212087 (2023). [2] A. Moon et al., ACS Nano 18, 4216-4228 (2024). |