AVS 70 Session CPS-ThP: CHIPS Act Mini-Symposium Poster Session
Session Abstract Book
(220 KB, Oct 31, 2024)
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CPS-ThP-1 Expanding the AVS Science Educators Workshop to Historically Underserved Communities to Support Needs of the CHIPS in Science Act
Timothy Gessert (Chair - AVS Education Committee) For ~30 years the AVS has trained groups of high-school teachers in vacuum technology through the Science Educators Workshop (SEW). This training also provides teachers with a small vacuum system designed for classroom demonstrations. The SEW training occurs at the annual International Symposium of the AVS, with travel and lodging paid for by a combination of funds from National AVS Education Committee and Regional AVS Chapters. It is estimated that between 500-1000 kits have been distributed to high-schools across the US during the past ~30 years. Although the SEW is viewed as an important AVS educational outreach activity to secondary-school educators, discussions with SEW teachers has suggested that the majority of teachers come from relatively well-funded school districts. Discussions with SEW Committee and AVS regional chapter members has further suggested, while many school districts strongly support continuing education for their teachers (such as the SEW), others are much less able to do this because of financial constraints. These realizations prompted the AVS to consider how future SEW-like activities might be designed to better align with the needs and resources of “Historically Underserved Communities” (HUCs). To pursue this goal, the AVS submitted a multi-year Venture Fund proposal to the American Institute of Physics, and this proposal was funded starting in 2021. Project goals include: (1) Understand the locations and needs HUCs better; (2) Determine how the AVS SEW might reach out to HUCs more effectively; and (3) Understand how the AVS SEW might modify its content and delivery methods to better align with HUC needs. Although these goals were designed in 2021 to improve the AVS SEW, it has recently been noticed that these goals reflect Workforce Development Guidance associated with Chips in Science Act (passed in 2022, with implementation starting in 2023). This presentation will describe ongoing progress in the AVS/AIP Project, focusing on lessons learned that may assist similar efforts in AVS Workforces Development activities related to the Chips in Science Act. |