AVS 68 Session AP+AS+EL+MS+SS-MoA: Advancing Metrology and Characterization to Enable Atomic Scale Processing
Session Abstract Book
(323 KB, Nov 18, 2022)
Time Period MoA Sessions
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| AVS 68 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
1:40 PM | Invited |
AP+AS+EL+MS+SS-MoA-1 Nanoscale Chemical Analysis and Mapping of Atomic and Molecular Scale Processes via Infrared Photo-Induced Force Microscopy
Sung Park (Molecular Vista) As semiconductor device feature sizes move beyond the sub-7 nm technology node, atomic scale processing techniques such as atomic layer deposition (ALD) and atomic layer etching (ALE) are being adopted to gain control over key processing parameters.These techniques are commonly combined with thin polymer barrier layers such as self-assembled monolayers (SAM) that are selectively located to achieve area selective deposition or etching. In protein and DNA chips, monolayers of specific molecules are engineered and patterned to guide the target molecules to specific locations.Common to these devices and processes are the atomic scale thicknesses, nanoscale lateral dimensions, and the combination of multiple materials consisting of organic and inorganic compounds, metals, and 1D/2D materials which demand new metrology and characterization techniques to assess and monitor these advanced processing techniques.Photo-induced Force Microscopy (PiFM) [1] combines infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to achieve nanoscale chemical analysis via localized IR absorption spectrum and mapping of heterogeneous materials on the surface of a sample (with sub-5 nm spatial resolution).The spectroscopic capability is useful for ascertaining the presence and quality of the molecular species. The mapping capability is useful for investigating surface functionalization and chemical pre-patterns as well as selectively deposited materials in area-selective processes like block copolymer directed self-assembly, sequential infiltration synthesis, and a variety of area-selective deposition techniques. PiFM applications on various atomic and molecular scale processes will be presented. [1] D. Nowak et al., Sci. Adv. 2, e150157 (2016). |
2:20 PM |
AP+AS+EL+MS+SS-MoA-3 Area-Selective Deposition/Patterning of Boron Carbide Layers: Etch Studies
Raja Sekhar Bale, Rupak Thapa, Anthony Caruso (University of Missouri-Kansas City); Jeffery Bielefeld, Sean King (Intel Corporation); Michelle Paquette (University of Missouri-Kansas City) The semiconductor industry is pushing the boundaries of device scaling by way of novel processing methods and increasingly complex patterning schemes. This requires a variety of functional and patterning-assist materials as well as advanced deposition techniques. For years, silicon-based materials have been used to meet these needs; however, these alone cannot fulfill the range of material requirements moving forward. Boron carbide has shown promise due to its compelling dielectric, thermal, mechanical, chemical, and etch properties. Toward applying this material to next-generation integration schemes, we have been exploring the potential of going beyond traditional growth processes (e.g., plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition) and investigating innovative area-selective atomic layer deposition (AS-ALD) strategies. Herein we explore schemes for the selective dielectric on metal/dielectric deposition of boron carbide using monolayer and layer-by-layer methods. In particular, we focus on etch studies (wet and dry) toward understanding the stability and removal of these layers. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques are employed for the characterization and imaging of the resulting surfaces. |
2:40 PM |
AP+AS+EL+MS+SS-MoA-4 Smoothing of Surfaces by Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching
Sven Gerritsen, Nick Chittock, Vincent Vandalon, Marcel Verheijen (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands); Harm Knoops (Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology); Erwin Kessels, Adrie Mackus (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) With critical dimensions scaled down to the nanoscale in current electronics, surface and interface roughness increasingly limit device performance. In this work, we use simulations and experiments to explore whether atomic layer deposition (ALD), atomic layer etching (ALE) and combinations of these techniques can be used to smoothen surfaces, while processing materials with excellent uniformity and atomic scale control. The smoothing is experimentally demonstrated by atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy analysis. Many previous studies have shown that ALD and ALE can smoothen surfaces,1,2 but the extent of smoothing has not been systematically characterized and the mechanisms of smoothing are only partly understood. In our studies, finite difference simulations were performed that describe ALD/ALE as a uniform front from which the deposition/etching propagates isotropically at every point. Al2O3 ALD experiments using TMA and O2 plasma validated this uniform front propagation model. A smoothing rate of 5.5·10-3 nm RMS roughness reduction per nm of deposition was determined, revealing that significant smoothing by ALD requires relatively thick films (e.g. > 20 nm). Al2O3 ALE from TMA and SF6 plasma3 resulted in a larger roughness reduction of 9.8·10-3 nm/nm, which is explained by considering that the fluorination of the surface depends on the local curvature, such that peaks are smoothed more than valleys. In other words, for ALE two mechanisms contribute to the smoothing, i.e. uniform front propagation and curvature-dependent fluorination. In order to benefit from the enhanced smoothing by ALE, especially combinations of ALD and ALE in supercycle recipes can be very effective in smoothing surfaces, as will be highlighted in the contribution. (1)Elam et al., Thin Solid Films414, 43 (2002) (2)Zywotko et al., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 36, 061508 (2008) (3)Chittock et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 162107 (2020) View Supplemental Document (pdf) |
3:00 PM |
AP+AS+EL+MS+SS-MoA-5 Thermal Atomic Layer Etching of Amorphous Aluminum Nitride Using Sf6 Plasma and Al(Ch3)3
Haozhe Wang, Azmain Houssain, David Catherall, Austin Minnich (California Institute of Technology) We report the thermal atomic layer etching (ALE) of amorphous aluminum nitride using sequential exposures of low-power SF6 plasma and trimethylaluminum (Al(CH3)3, TMA). ALE was observed at temperatures greater than 200 ◦C, with etch rates varying with temperature from 0.1 Å/cycle at 200 ◦C to 1.9 Å/cycle at 300 ◦C, as measured using ex-situ ellipsometry. The self-limiting nature of the reactions was established by verifying that no etching occurred with only SF6 or TMA. The etched surface was characterized using atomic force microscopy and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. After 50 cycles of ALE, the etched surface was found to contain a lower concentration of oxygen compared to the original surface and exhibited a∼35% decrease in surface roughness. These findings have relevance for applications of AlN in nonlinear photonics and semiconductor devices. |
3:20 PM |
AP+AS+EL+MS+SS-MoA-6 Thermal Atomic Layer Etching using MoF6-H2O precursors
Anil Mane, Jeffrey Elam (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) Well controlled atomic layer etching (ALE) processing is needed for the creation of next generation complex 3D devices. A simple semiconductor processing compatible thermal ALE method is preferred for the process integration point of view. Recently we have developed the MoF6-H2O precursors based etching methods for the etching of atomic layer deposited (ALD) TiO2, Ta2O5 and MoS2 in a precise controlled manner. The etch rate and etch behavior of these materials mainly controlled by processing temperature (100-325oC) and precursors dose times. The MoF6-H2O etching process of these ALD grown TiO2, Ta2O5 and MoS2 was studied by in-situ methods such as infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), and spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). Additionally, at present we have also developed novel in-situ calorimetry method to measure chemical reaction heat in ALE precursor’s reaction. Here some of latest results on this in-situ ALE-calorimetry method will also be presented. |
3:40 PM | BREAK | |
4:00 PM | Invited |
AP+AS+EL+MS+SS-MoA-8 The Thinner, the Better - Characterization of Ultra-Thin Films by Low Energy Ion Scattering (Leis)
Thomas Grehl (IONTOF GmbH, Germany) Current and future thin film processes require quantitative characterization from the early phases of film growth to complex film stacks with a total thickness of only a few nm. While many surface analytical techniques are challenged by this requirement, Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) analysis is ideally suited for ultra-thin film and sub-monolayer characterization. The key property is its single atomic layer information depth. By scattering noble gas ions from the surface of the sample, LEIS determines the elemental composition of the surface of the outermost atomic layer. Nucleation processes and layer closure are investigated, but also diffusion from the bulk towards the surface can be studied with in-situ sample heating and continuous monitoring of the surface composition. In addition to the surface composition, also the distribution of elements over the first few nm of the sample is contained in the spectra. The so-called "in-depth information" is acquired in a virtually non-destructive way, avoiding sputtering and therefore the long measurement times and artefacts associated with it. For sufficiently thin films, the depth resolution is only a few Å. This allows to study the development of the film thickness while also monitoring film closure to determine the growth mode. In some cases, low energy noble gas sputtering is applied to extend the depth range beyond a few nm or to handle complex materials where "in-depth" and surface information cannot be deconvoluted. In this contribution, we will highlight a number of examples from quite different materials and film systems. These will be used to illustrate how LEIS is applied in practical way. We will show how LEIS contributes unique information for modern ultra-thin film characterization. |
4:40 PM |
AP+AS+EL+MS+SS-MoA-10 Intrinsic Area Selective Atomic Layer Deposition of MoS2 Thin Films
Jake Soares, Wesley Jen, Steven Hues (Boise State University); Jesse Wensel (Micron Technology Inc); Elton Graugnard (Boise State University) As the critical dimensions in today’s semiconductor devices continues to shrink, new methods for device fabrication are paramount for continued reduction in scaling. These fabrication processes must be adaptable in order to evolve with future technology nodes and scales, while providing flexible material integration techniques within the high complexity of device structures. Area selective atomic layer deposition (ASALD) is a deposition technique that utilizes a bottom-up patterning approach for self-alignment of deposited materials. ASALD operates on the basis that functional groups either present or absent on a growth surface will promote or inhibit nucleation. This contrast can lead to selective deposition. In addition to compatible processing techniques, next generation materials also need to be studied. Layered two-dimensional (2D) molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is a semiconducting material that shows great promise due to its atomically thin structure and impressive electrical properties. In this work, we report the ASALD of MoS2 on patterned template substrates of common dielectric materials versus thermal silicon oxide and nitride. Growth and non-growth surfaces were initially screened with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterization of blanket MoS2 films after numerous ALD cycles. The selectivity parameter between surfaces was calculated using XPS, revealing a high selectivity of S = 0.94 after 20 ALD cycles for growth on ALD alumina versus thermal silicon oxide. These results identified contrasting surfaces that were then patterned to investigate area selectivity. MoS2 ALD was performed at 200 °C on patterned surfaces that were then annealed at 650 °C for 30 minutes. Samples were characterized using Raman spectroscopy maps of crystalline MoS2 modes and time-of-flight-secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS) elemental mapping, which confirmed ASALD. These results hold promise for advancing the integration of 2D materials into device manufacturing. |
5:00 PM |
AP+AS+EL+MS+SS-MoA-11 In Situ Measurements of Surface and Film Stress during Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O3 and AlF3 using Wafer Curvature Techniques
Ryan B. Vanfleet, Emanuele Sorinto, Andrew S. Cavanagh, Victor M. Bright, Steven M. George (University of Colorado at Boulder) In situ surface and film stress were measured during atomic layer deposition (ALD) using wafer curvature techniques in a new custom reactor. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) ALD using trimethylaluminum (TMA) and H2O as the reactants was used as a model system to test this new apparatus. Al2O3 ALD was explored at different deposition temperatures ranging from 130 to 285°C. The in situ measured film stress during Al2O3 ALD is a tensile stress of 450 MPa at 130°C (Figure 1). The tensile stress then decreases with increasing deposition temperature. These in situ temperature-dependent Al2O3 ALD film stresses are in good agreement with ex situ film stress measurements for Al2O3 ALD films reported in the literature [1]. High sensitivity wafer curvature measurements are also able to measure the surface stress from individual surface reactions (Figure 2). These in situ measurements revealed that the TMA exposure results in a compressive surface stress. This compressive stress is attributed to repulsion between surface methyl species. In addition, the H2O exposure removes surface methyl species and releases the compressive stress. The compressive surface stress resulting from the TMA exposure grows from 0.4 N/m at 150°C to 0.75 N/m at 285°C. This increase in the compressive surface stress from the TMA exposure can be attributed to the greater relative change in methyl coverage at higher deposition temperatures. Additional in situ measurements have explored the surface and film stresses during AlF3 ALD using TMA and HF as the reactants. AlF3 ALD showed similar surface stress behavior to Al2O3 ALD. The TMA exposure again results in a compressive stress attributed to repulsion between surface methyl groups. The HF exposure then removes the methyl groups and releases the compressive stress. At AlF3 ALD temperatures between 150-200°C, the compressive surface stress resulting from the TMA exposures is ~0.45 N/m. In marked contrast to Al2O3 ALD, AlF3 ALD displayed no film stress during film growth. This lack of film stress in AlF3 ALD films may be related to the nature of the AlF3 ALD film as a molecular solid. [1]O.M.E. Ylivaara et al., Thin Solids Films 552, 124 (2014) View Supplemental Document (pdf) |