AVS 68 Session NS3+EM+TF-MoM: Nanophotonics, Metasurfaces and Plasmonic Systems Including Inverse Design Methods
Monday, November 7, 2022 11:20 AM in Room 304
Monday Morning
Session Abstract Book
(204 KB, Nov 18, 2022)
Time Period MoM Sessions
Abstract Timeline
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| AVS 68 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
11:20 AM | Invited |
NS3+EM+TF-MoM-10 Quantum and Nonlinear Photonics in Silicon Carbide with Inverse Design
Daniil Lukin, Jelena Vuckovic (Stanford University) Integrated photonics technology has achieved the degree of scalability and complexity needed for building up photonic quantum computers based on optically-addressable spin qubits such as color centers. However, at present none of the industry-standard photonics materials host high quality color centers. Silicon Carbide has the potential to become a technologically-mature platform that can close this longstanding gap between classical and quantum photonics devices. I will discuss the recent progress of Silicon Carbide integrated photonics for quantum and nonlinear applications, as well as the applications of inverse-design for novel photonics functionalities. |