AVS 66 Session TL+AS+SS+TF-TuA: Breakthroughs and Challenges in Applied Materials for Energy Transition (ALL INVITED SESSION) & Panel Discussion
Session Abstract Book
(260 KB, Apr 26, 2020)
Time Period TuA Sessions
Abstract Timeline
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| AVS 66 Schedule
Start | Invited? | Item |
2:20 PM | Invited |
TL+AS+SS+TF-TuA-1 Interface Science and Engineering for Energy-Water Systems
Seth Darling (Argonne National Laboratory) Driven by climate change, population growth, development, urbanization, and other factors, water crises represent the greatest global risk in the coming decades. Advances in materials represent a powerful tool to address many of these challenges. Understanding—and ultimately controlling—interfaces between materials and water are pivotal [1]. In this presentation, we will lay out the challenges and present several examples based on materials science strategies for addressing applications in water. In each instance, manipulation of interfacial properties provides novel functionality, ranging from selective transport to energy transduction to pollution mitigation. [1] J. Appl. Phys. 124 (2018) 030901 |
3:00 PM | Invited |
TL+AS+SS+TF-TuA-3 Atomic Dynamics of Noble Metal Surface in Gases Revealed by Time Resolved Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy
Seiji Takeda, Naoto Kamiuchi, Ryotaro Aso, Hideto Yoshida, Takehiro Tamaoka (Osaka University, Japan) The surface of noble metals in gas has been extensively studied in the field of surface science. The surface has been investigated in both ultra high vacuum and various gases of high pressure and under various stimuli, for instance the illumination of intense light, the electric and/or magnetic field and the irradiation of charged particles. A microscopy study is potentially useful to provide us with the imaging data on the surface in real space and time at the resolution that is available in a microscopy apparatus to use. Among various methodologies for microscopy, atomic resolution environmental transmission electron microscopy has advanced greatly in the time resolution recently, allowing us to explore the dynamic surface and to elucidate the mechanism of the dynamic phenomena that are related to various energy transition processes. We show recent our studies, including the self-activated surface dynamics of gold catalysts in reaction environments [1] and the unexpected gas (nitrogen) -solid (palladium) transition [2] that is occurring on the surface under a strong electrostatic field. We demonstrate that the surface dynamics that is associated with the energy transition processes needs to be visualized at atomic scale for understanding the electronic excitations behind the surface dynamics. References [1] N. Kamiuchi et al., Nat. Commun. 9 (2018) 2060. [2] T. Tamaoka, R. Aso et al., Nanoscale (2019) . |
3:40 PM | BREAK | |
4:20 PM |
TL+AS+SS+TF-TuA-7 Totally Organic and Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Batteries
Burak Esat (Fatih University, Turkey, Rutgers University); Sumeyye Bahceci, Sevda Akay (Fatih University, Turkey); Anton Momchilov (Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria) We hereby represent novel polymers and reduced graphene oxide with pendant electro-active groups such as TEMPO and quinones. The first example of polymers with pendant anode-active groups studied in our group is a polymethacrylate derivative carrying anthraquinone moieties (pMAntrq). This anthraquinone based anode-active material has proven to show a quite good reversible electrochemical reduction behavior in both aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes in our studies. pMAntrq|1M LiClO4 in EC:DEC=1:1|Li battery system has been constructed. The initial discharge capacity of the cell obtained was 151 mAh/g when cycled between 4.2 and 1.2V at 0.25C rate and 79.2 mAh/g when cycled between 4.0 and 1.5V at 0.3C rate during subsequent cycles. This material was also used in an aqueous battery, pMAntrq |5M KOH aq.|LiMn2O4 . Although an initial discharge capacity of 37.7 mAh/g was obtained, it deteriorated quickly due to the solubility of the reduced form of the polymer in this electrolyte system. This is the first reported example of such organic-inorganic hybrid battery. An anode material based on reduced graphene oxide (RGO) functionalized with anthraquinone is also investigated and a battery against Li metal revealed a quite reversible capacity of 200 mAh/g based on the weight of electro-active anthraquinone moieties when cycled between 3.2 and 1.8 V at 0.3C rate. The energy density was found to be around 450 mWh/g. We have also synthesized and characterized polyacetylene polymers with pendant TEMPO radicals which are electrochemically oxidizable in a reversible manner at around 3.5-3.6V vs. Li. These materials have been proven to be cathode-active materials for rechargeable batteries. We have demonstrated that a mixture of Tempo radical polymer with LiMn2O4 (1:1) can be used as a hybrid cathode material. Typically, this polymer may be expected to act as a polymeric electro-active binder and a stability improver for the inorganic cathode-active material. Studies toward construction of all organic batteries using these anode and cathode materials are currently in progress.
4:40 PM | Invited |
TL+AS+SS+TF-TuA-8 Electrochemical Strategies for Designing Interfaces of Battery Materials
Betar Gallant (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Future generations of energy-storage devices require advances beyond state-of-the-art materials and redox systems. Rechargeable batteries, specifically today’s Li-ion batteries, have largely been dominated by transition metal oxide cathodes; advanced conversion systems with higher theoretical energy densities, such as Li-S and Li-O2, have received significant attention as “beyond Li-ion” batteries, but have their own challenges and limitations. Looking at the periodic table invites one to wonder, “Is there more beyond sulfur and O2?” This talk will focus on challenges and opportunities related to a different chemical family: fluorine, or more specifically, active fluoride. Fluoride-containing additives, electrolytes, solid electrolyte interphases (SEI), and intercalation materials represent a recurring motif in many proposed next-generation battery chemistries, but current understanding of the behavior of fluorinated interfaces and materials remains largely phenomenological. In addition, controlling the incorporation of fluoride into materials still remains a major challenge owing to safety issues of fluorine and the intransigence of fluoride-containing precursors, hindering design in this space. In this talk, I describe our group’s exploration of several applications where fluoride-forming reactions can be harnessed and tailored for benefit in advanced batteries. First, I describe our efforts to develop high-energy density redox systems based on the electrochemical reduction of fluorinated gases. We show that fundamental knowledge and the experimental framework developed in the field of Li-O2batteries in recent years can be successfully translated to the development of new gas-to-solid conversion reactions with high energy densities. Next, I will discuss the opportunities presented by the ability to generate fluoride in situ in working batteries from these reactions, creating new possibilities to fluorinate interfaces in tailorable and precise ways. I will present our findings relevant to two examples where fluoride has been suggested to play a critical and enabling role: Li anode interfaces, and oxyfluoride-based intercalation cathodes. Using our gas-based fluoridation architecture, we explore the fundamental role that fluoride plays in each of these applications. Finally, I will highlight future challenges and opportunities in the characterization of fluoridated materials. |