AVS2012 Session SS+OX-WeM: Synthesis and Characterization of Oxides

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 8:00 AM in Room 22
Wednesday Morning

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Start Invited? Item
8:00 AM Invited SS+OX-WeM-1 Structure and Dynamics of Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces
Xiaoqing Pan (University of Michigan)

Ferroelectric materials are characterized by a spontaneous electric polarization that can be reoriented between different orientations by an applied electric field. The ability to form and manipulate domains with different polarization orientations at the nanometer scale is key to the utility of ferroelectric materials for devices such as nonvolatile memories. The ferroelectric switching occurs through the nucleation and growth of favorably oriented domains and is strongly mediated by defects and interfaces. Thus, it is critical to understand how the ferroelectric domain forms, grows, and interacts with defects. In this talk I will present the nanoscale ferroelectric switching of BiFeO3 and PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 thin films under an applied electric field using in situ transmission electron microscopy with atomic resolution. We follow the kinetics and dynamics of ferroelectric switching at millisecond temporal and subangstrom spatial resolution. We observed localized nucleation events at the electrode interface, domain wall pinning on point defects, the formation of ferroelectric domains localized to the ferroelectric/electrode interface, and domain wall pinning by dislocations. We also find that in writing nanosized domains the domain wall itself can drive backswitching. It was observed that the localized 180° polarization switching in PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 thin films initially forms domain walls along unstable planes. After removal of the external field, they tend to relax to low energy orientations. In sufficiently small domains this process results in complete backswitching. Our results suggest that even thermodynamically favored domain orientations are still subject to retention loss, which must be mitigated by overcoming a critical domain size.

8:40 AM SS+OX-WeM-3 Capturing Ion-Solid Interactions with MOS Structures
Radhey Shyam, Endu Srinadhu, Steven Chambers, Jim Harriss, Rod Harrell, Chad Sosolik (Clemson University)

We have fabricated metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices for a study of implantation rates and damage resulting from low energy ion-solid impacts. Specifically, we seek to capture ion irradiation effects on oxides by exposing as-grown SiO2 layers (50 nm to 200 nm) to incident beams of singly-charged alkali ions with energies in the range of 100 eV to 5 keV. The oxide is analyzed post exposure by encapsulating the irradiated region under a top metallic contact or within a finished MOS device. Characterization of the resulting ion-modified MOS device involves the standard techniques of room temperature and bias-temperature stress capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements. The C-V results reveal alkali ion-induced changes in the flatband voltage and slope of C-V of irradiated devices which can be used to extract and delineate between implantation probabilities and irradiation effects of the ions. Biased C-V measurements are utilized to confirm the concentration or dosage of ions in the oxide. A triangular voltage sweep (TVS) measurement at elevated temperatures also reveals the total ionic space charge in the oxide and is used to extract mobility for the ions as they pass through the damaged oxide. Our C-V data show changes in flatband voltage which are greater than those expected for mobile charges present at the range calculated by SRIM which implies that stoichiometry, morphological and chemical changes in the SiO2 layer are introduced by the ion impacts.

9:00 AM SS+OX-WeM-4 Synthesis and Characterization of Yttrium Aluminum Garnet and Lanthanum Zirconate Particles
Robert Harl, Sarah Gollub, Greg Walker, Bridget R. Rogers (Vanderbilt University)

Rare-earth doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) and lanthanum zirconate (LZO) are luminescent ceramics that have been used in TV’s, LED’s, metal oxide transistors, and as laser sources. These materials are thermally and chemically stable. Recent work at Vanderbilt by the Walker and Rogers research groups has shown that the emitted spectrum of proton irradiated LZO particles differs from that of non-irradiated particles, suggesting these materials may be used as passive radiation exposure indicators.

We will discuss the combustion synthesis and characterization of YAG and LZO particles. Combustion synthesis involves heating a mixture of metal nitrates and a fuel until the mixture ignites. If the proper conditions are used, the energy released by the combustion is sufficient to form polycrystalline material. The type and amount of fuel used in the synthesis affect the amount of gaseous by-products produced and flame temperature achieved during a reaction, both of affect the crystallite size formed. The organic fuels included in this study are urea and glycine with adiabatic flame temperatures 1780ºC and 1210ºC, respectively. Urea’s higher flame temperature makes this fuel attractive for combustion syntheses. However, urea shows signs of degradation beginning around 120 °C, well below its ignition temperature. Glycine does not appear to degrade until approximately 230ºC much closer to its ignition temperature. The trade-off between degradation and adiabatic flame temperature suggests the temperature ramp rate used will significantly affect the performance of combustion syntheses carried out with these fuels.

We will present results of detailed thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry (TGA/DSC) experiments used to study the affects of heating rate on the combustion process and on the characteristics of the material formed. TGA/DSC-determined heats of combustion and heat capacities of the reactants and products will also be presented.

Characterization results of powders made using conditions determined by the TGA/DSC experiments will also be presented. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to determine chemical bonding information. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) was used to provide quantitative elemental composition of the material. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to determine the crystallinity of the material and to estimate crystallite sizes. Photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) was used to characterize the materials’ emission spectra.
9:20 AM SS+OX-WeM-5 X-ray Linear Dichroism of Epitaxial (Fe,N) Co-Doped Rutile TiO2 Thin Films
Tiffany Kaspar (Pacific Northwest National Lab); Andreas Ney (Univ. of Duisburg-Essen, Germany); Andrew Mangham (Pacific Northwest National Lab); Steve Heald (Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab); Yves Joly (Institut Néel, CNRS et Univ. Joseph Fourier, France); Verena Ney (Univ. of Duisburg-Essen, Germany); Fabrice Wilhelm, Andrei Rogalev, Flora Yakou (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility); Scott Chambers (Pacific Northwest National Lab)

Efficient visible light photocatalysis could revolutionize hydrogen production, chemical synthesis, and pollution mitigation. Binary oxides such as TiO2 have received much attention for these applications since they are stable under aqueous and oxidizing conditions, and show promise as ultraviolet-light photocatalysts. However, to operate in the visible portion of the solar spectrum, the wide bandgap of these oxides (~3 eV for rutile TiO2) must be reduced. Anion doping of anatase TiO2 has been widely explored, and shows some promise. However, in nanoparticles and fine powders, it can be difficult to determine the structural and electronic behavior of N dopants. Homoepitaxial Fe:TiO2 and (Fe,N):TiO2 thin films deposited on rutile TiO2(110) were investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and associated theoretical simulations to elucidate the detailed structure of the doped materials. Co-doping with N was found to increase the extent of Fe incorporation into the rutile lattice. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) spectra were collected at the Ti L-edge, Fe L-edge, O K-edge, N K-edge, and Ti K-edge. No evidence of structural disorder associated with a high concentration of oxygen vacancies was observed. Substitution of Fe for Ti could not be confirmed, although secondary phases such as Fe2O3 and metallic Fe could be ruled out. The similarity of the N K-edge spectra to O, and the presence of a strong x-ray linear dichroism (XLD) signal for the N K-edge, indicates that N is substitutional for O in the rutile lattice, and is not present as a secondary phase such as TiN. Simulations of the XANES spectra qualitatively confirm substitution, although N appears to be present in more than one local environment. Although optical absorption spectra confirm that substitutional N redshifts optical bandgap of Fe-doped rutile into the visible region, the film surfaces are photochemically inert with respect to hole-mediated decomposition of adsorbed trimethyl acetate.

9:40 AM SS+OX-WeM-6 Unified Picture of the Excess Electron Distribution at the TiO2(110) Surface
Peter Krueger (Institut Carnot de Bourgogne, France); Jacques Jupille (Institut des Nanosciences de Paris, France); Sylvie Bourgeois, Bruno Domenichini (Institut Carnot de Bourgogne, France); Alberto Verdini, Luca Floreano, Alberto Morgante (Laboratorio TASC, Italy)

Titanium dioxide, an inert insulator in stoichiometric form, can be easily reduced into an n-type semiconductor TiO2-x with the many electronic, photocatalytic and chemical properties that make the material of huge technological relevance. Formally associated with Ti4+ + e- → Ti3+, the reduction of titania results in excess electrons (EE) that populate localized Ti 3d band gap states. Puzzling issues are the surface or subsurface distribution of EE and the lattice or interstitial nature (Tiint) of the Ti3+ ions. Despite a number of experimental and theoretical studies, the reduced archetypal TiO2(110) has not been unambiguously pictured yet. Regarding the location of Ti3+ ions, density functional theory (DFT), DFT + U scheme and DFT-Hartree-Fock hybrid functionals (the two latter including a better account of self interaction corrections) are far from consensus. EE that are suggested to be trapped either on sixfold (Ti1) and fivefold (Ti2) coordinated surface Ti, or on subsurface beneath Ti1 or beneath Ti2. In such context, the unique capability of resonant photoelectron diffraction (RPED) to map out the spatial distribution of Ti 3d gap states was previously demonstrated in the study of a TiO2(110) surface involving vacancies in bridging oxygen rows (Ob-vac) [1]. However, our conclusion that EE mostly occupy subsurface Ti sites was later challenged by the suggestion that Tiint atoms play a key role in the formation of EE [2,3]. This has prompted us to analyse the Na-covered TiO2(110) surface on which Na adatoms are predicted to produce similar EE as by direct injection of electrons [4], while the formation of Tiint is not expected.

The pivotal observation was that the Na/TiO2 RPED pattern [4] was almost perfectly similar to the Ob-vac RPED pattern [1]. Data were fitted on the basis of the location of the Ti3+ ions on the Ti lattice sites. Indeed, attempts to model EE on Tiint failed. A unified model of the reduced TiO2(110) surface emerges, with EE located on subsurface beneath Ti2 > second subsurface beneath Ti1 > Ti1 [4] (See supplemental document). As shown by the qualitative agreement of the present findings with DFT approaches [5,6], the charge distribution of the Ti 3d states is dictated by electrostatics. It is essentially an intrinsic property of the titania surface that is independent on the way EE are created.

[1] Krueger et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) 055501.

[2] Wendt et al., Science 320 (2008) 1755.

[3] Papageorgiou et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107 (2010) 2391.

[4] Krueger et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 126803.

[5] Albaret et al., Phys. Rev. B 65 (2001) 035402.

[6] Deskins et al., J. Phys. Chem. C 113 (2009) 14583.

10:00 AM BREAK - Complimentary Coffee in Exhibit Hall
10:40 AM SS+OX-WeM-9 XPS Satellite Structure and Covalent Bonding
Paul Bagus (University of North Texas); Eugene Ilton (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory); Connie Nelin (Consultant)

The satellites in X-Ray photoemission spectroscopy, XPS, especially for ionic compounds, are an important part of the spectra [1, 2] and may provide information about the electronic structure. For uranium oxides, they allow the oxidation state of the U cations to be determined. [2] It would be useful to establish and to understand how the satellite intensity may be related to the extent of covalent bonding in an oxide or other ionic material. It is often believed that the intensity lost from the main XPS peaks to satellites is directly related to the covalent bonding, with greater covalent bonding leading to greater losses to satellites. We show that this relationship is not rigorously correct. A more correct relationship is between satellite intensity and the difference of the degrees of covalency in the initial, unionized, state and the final, core-hole states with larger differences leading to larger losses to satellites.. Furthermore, the final state covalency is less sensitive to the environment than is the initial state covalency since the bonding in the final state is more appropriate to that for an equivalent, Z+1, impurity atom representing the core-ionized atom. [3] We investigate the extent to which the effects of covalency can be tuned by comparing the Ni 2p XPS between NiO and Ni impurities in MgO.

1. P. S. Bagus, et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 487, 237 (2010).

2. E. S. Ilton and P. S. Bagus, Surf. Interface Anal. 43, 1549 (2011).

3. W. L. Jolly and D. N. Hendrickson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 92, 1863 (1970).

11:00 AM SS+OX-WeM-10 Surface of BaTiO3 (001): STM and STS Study
Erie Morales, John Martirez, Andrew Rappe, Dawn Bonnell (University of Pennsylvania)
BaTiO3 is a versatile material that finds applications in sensors and electrooptical devices. Interactions start at the very surface, thus it is necessary to understand at a fundamental level its geometrical and electronic structure. Ferroelectricity is a key property that provides unique opportunities to explore molecular adsorption at a surface and allows investigation of chemical interactions as well. Interaction with gaseous species can be performed in-situ in "as-received" and poled crystals by controlling the poling voltage at the surface. Recent studies with macroscopic measurements show that polarization indeed affects molecular adsorption but mechanisms are not yet understood. Here we present scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) of atomically resolved reconstructions on BaTiO3 (001) surfaces, (5x5)R26.6<sup>o</sup>. A comparison of electronic structure determined by STS with theoretical calculations shows that the surface that is Ti terminated. In this and other reconstructions Ti-ad atoms create filled and empty states that are imaged in STM. The interactions of reconstructed surfaces with H2O is examined with atomic resolution. This is the first atomic scale observation of molecular adsorption on a ferroelectric surface.
11:20 AM SS+OX-WeM-11 Synthesis and Characterization of White Light Emitting CaxSr1-xAl2O4:Tb3+,Eu3+ Phosphor
Samy Shaat, Hendrik Swart, Odireleng Ntwaeaborwa (University of the Free State, South Africa)
Today, many researchers are making efforts to develop white light emitting phosphors that can be used in solid state lighting applications such as phosphor lamps and light emitting diodes. Aluminates with a general formula MAl2O4 (M = Ba, Ca, Mg, Sr) have emerged as preferred hosts for divalent (Mn2+ and Eu2+) and trivalent (Ce3+,Tb3+, Dy3+) ions to prepare such phosphors. We have prepared a potential white light emitting CaxSr1-xAl2O4:Tb3+,Eu3+ (x = 0, 0.3, 0.7, 1) phosphor by combustion method and we are evaluating it for application in solid state lighting. Depending on the concentration of Ca2+ or Sr2+, the X-ray diffraction data showed that monoclinic structures of either CaAl2O4 or SrAl2O4 were crystallized and the stretching modes of Sr-Al-O and Ca-Al-O bonds were confirmed from the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy data. The chemical compositions and electronic states of each elements of the CaxSr1-xAl2O4:Tb3+,Eu3+ phosphor were determined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. White photoluminescent was observed when CaxSr1-xAl2O4:Tb3+,Eu3+ was excited at 227 nm using a monochromatized xenon lamp. This was a result of the combination of blue and green emissions from Tb3+ and red emission from Eu3+. It is likely that Tb3+ and Eu3+ ions were simultaneously excited by a single photon of sufficiently high energy absorbed in CaxSr1-xAl2O4 host.
11:40 AM SS+OX-WeM-12 A Novel 2-D Cu-Tungstate (CuWOx) Phase on Cu(110)
Falko Netzer, Martin Denk, David Kuhness, Margareta Wagner, Svetlozar Surnev (University of Graz, Austria); Fabio Negreiros, Luca Sementa, Giovanni Barcaro, Alessandro Fortunelli (CNR-IPCF Pisa, Italy)

We explore the feasibility to fabricate W-oxide nanostructures on metal surfaces via self-assembly and condensation of (WO3)3 clusters, deposited directly from the gas phase: here we report the formation of a novel two-dimensional Cu-tungstate CuWOx phase on Cu(110). A beam of (WO3)3 cluster molecules, formed by sublimation of WO3 powder at ~900-1000°C in a thermal evaporator, has been directed onto a Cu(110)2x1-O surface oxide at low temperature and the surface has been annealed subsequently at 600 K. At low temperature (< 15 K) the (WO3)3 clusters adsorb in intact molecular form , albeit in a somewhat distorted cluster geometry [1]. Upon heating to 600K, the (WO3)3 molecules dissociate and react with the Cu-O(2x1) surface oxide, forming a wetting monolayer with a well ordered incommensurate structure. The latter has been structurally characterized by high-resolution STM imaging and LEED. The chemical nature and electronic structure of this novel 2-D W-O-Cu layer has been investigated by high-resolution XPS core level spectroscopy, NEXAFS, and valence band spectra. The unusually sharp W 4f core level spectra, the specific NEXAFS fingerprint and the evolution of the valence band all suggest that this 2-D W surface oxide is of a Cu-tungstate CuWOx type. Density functional calculations are in progress to help elucidating the physical and chemical nature of this unusual surface oxide phase.

Work supported by the ERC Advanced Grant SEPON

[1] M. Wagner, S. Surnev, M.G. Ramsey, G. Barcaro, L. Sementa, F.R. Negreiros, A. Fortunelli, Z. Dohnalek, F.P. Netzer, J. Phys. Chem. C115 (2011) 23480

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