AVS2001 Session VST-FrM: Accelerators Technology, Fusion Machines & Gravitational Wave Detectors

Friday, November 2, 2001 8:20 AM in Room 132
Friday Morning

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Start Invited? Item
8:20 AM Invited VST-FrM-1 RHIC Commissioning and First Results
S. Ozaki (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory is the U.S. Department of Energy’s flagship research facility for the nuclear physics program. With the capability to collide ions as heavy as Au at the center-of-mass energy of 200 x A GeV, where A is the atomic mass of the ion, the primary objective of RHIC is to create states of nuclear matter at an extreme high temperature and density. We believe that such states of matter existed for a fleeting moment, shortly after the creation of the universe, as we know it know, by so called "Big Bang". The construction of the collider, consisting of two superconducting magnet rings of 3.8 km in circumference, was completed as scheduled during 1999. Following the initial commissioning of the collider in the same year, collisions of Au ions were achieved during the subsequent commissioning run in the year 2000, first at the collision energy of 66 GeV per nucleon in the Au ion on June 12 and later at 132 GeV per nucleon. By the end of that year’s run, the luminosity of the collisions reached more than 10% of the design value. All four detectors of RHIC, i.e., BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS, and STAR, were also commissioned, using these collision events and collected a significant amount of data before the end of the run. An overview of the RHIC facility construction project, commissioning of the facility, and the first physics results at the new frontier of nuclear matter research will be presented.

*Brookhaven National Laboratory BSA Upton, Long Island, New York 11973 Work Performed Under The Auspices Of The U.S. Department Of Energy Under Contract # DE-AC02-98CH10886 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY

9:20 AM VST-FrM-4 The SNS Accumulator Ring Vacuum Systems*
P. He, H.C. Hseuh, M. Mapes, L. Smart, R. Todd, D. Weiss (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Brookhaven is undertaking the design, construction and commissioning of the accumulator ring and the transport lines for the 1-GeV Spallation Neutron Source. To limit the residual gas ionization by the proton beam, the operating pressure of the ring vacuum system is 10-9 Torr. The inner surface of the accumulator ring vacuum chambers will be coated with titanium nitride to minimize the secondary electron yields. The vacuum requirements and the layout of the vacuum systems will be discussed. The design of the vacuum chambers, vacuum pumps, and quick disconnect flanges and the development of vacuum instrument and control system will also be presented.

*Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy.

10:00 AM VST-FrM-6 Photon Induced Desorption Studies on Sputter-deposited Getter Layers
V. Baglin, C. Benvenuti, P. Chiggiato, P. Costa Pinto, N. Hilleret, A. Rossi (CERN, Switzerland)
Two vacuum chambers coated with a thin film of Ti-Zr-V non evaporable getter have been exposed, under normal incidence, to the synchrotron radiation emitted by the bending magnets of EPA (critical energy 194 eV). The coatings were produced using different coating parameters and the configuration of the experimental set-up was conceived to minimize the background signal and to allow the gas desorption and the pumping processes to be disentangled. The measurements have been repeated after heating the coated chambers at progressively higher temperatures up to the complete getter activation. The study has been also extended to cover the influence of the pumped gas load on the desorption yield, providing a quantitative evaluation under the various experimental conditions. The results are presented and compared with those obtained from a bare stainless steel vacuum chamber.
10:20 AM VST-FrM-7 Design of the NIF Spatial Filter Vacuum System
J.D. Hitchcock, J.M. Bowers, P.J. Densley, C.E. Karlsen, H.G. Patton, J.R. Reed (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory); J.W. Weed (Sandia National Laboratories)
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is a Department of Energy inertial confinement fusion facility. The goal of the facility is to achieve fusion ignition and modest energy gain in the laboratory. The multi billion dollar NIF project is responsible for t he design and construction of the 192 beam, 1.8MJ laser necessary to meet this goal. The NIF is a national project with participation by LLNL, LANL, SNL, URLLE and numerous industrial partners. The NIF spatial filter vacuum system will provide 10-4 torr or less to each of 48 individually pumped volumes for a total of 3.3 x 106 liters. These volumes involve 2300 tons of stainless steel vessels and connecting beam tubes. The spatial filters are clean room rated to MIL STD 1246C level 83 - A/1 0 and the total internal surface area, excluding internal components, is 22,500 sq. m. The system design has been completed and the vessels are installed in the NIF laser bays. Installation of the beam tubes and vacuum pumping equipment is in progress w it h initial operations beginning in July 2002. The pumping system consists of magnetically levitated turbo molecular drag pumps and redundant, "dry" vessel roughing and turbo backing pump skids. Controls, auto sequencing, data archiving, trending, inter l ock s and alarm functions will be provided by programmable logic controllers. Gauging includes total pressure with provisions for partial pressure and leak detection measurements. The hardware, instrumentation, design criteria and performance goals will be described. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.
10:40 AM VST-FrM-8 Direct Measurement of Residual Gas Effect on the Sensitivity in TAMA300
R. Takahashi (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan); Y. Saito (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan); M. Ando (The University of Tokyo, Japan); K. Arai, M. Fukushima, G. Heinzel, S. Kawamura, D. Tatsumi, T. Yamazaki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan); S. Moriwaki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
A laser interferometer gravitational wave detector requires an ultra-high vacuum in the ducts which the laser beams pass through. TAMA300, involving two 300 m-long vacuum ducts, is kept in 2x10-6 Pa of vacuum pressure so as to reduce scattering-effects due to residual gas molecules. The sensitivity attained so far is 2x10-18 m/rtHz around 1 kHz. By introducing a Xe-gas into the entire system of TAMA300, we directly observed the residual-gas effect on the sensitivity. It is found that the Xe-gas pressure of 6x10-2 Pa induces an increase in the mirror displacement noise of 3x10-18 m/rtHz. This noise level is consistent with a calculated optical fluctuation of the laser beam due to residual-gas scattering.
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